💫 Chapter-15💫

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When Yoongi entered the classroom, a wave of shock and anger washed over him as he learned about what happened to Jungkook. As he approached, Namjoon hurried to relay the incident to him.

"Sir, someone—" Namjoon began, interrupted by Yoongi's stern assurance.

"Hoseok told me everything, Namjoon. Don't worry, I will find out who did this to Jungkook," Yoongi asserted.

Namjoon nodded, reassured by Yoongi's determination. As Yoongi took charge of the class, Namjoon and Hoseok retreated to their seats.

Yoongi's voice cut through the tense silence, "I will only ask one time, who dared to do this to Mr. Jungkook?" Despite his authoritative tone, the class remained silent until a girl named Betty hesitantly raised her hand.

"Yes, Betty?" Yoongi acknowledged her.

"Mr. Kim, before I came to class, I saw Min-jun, the new student, talking with someone. He was saying something like 'I have done everything, and when he opens the door, he will get hit with a duster.'" Betty recounted, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Yoongi's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. "Are you sure, Betty?" he asked, seeking confirmation.

"100% sure, Mr. Kim. And I'm pretty sure he was talking about what happened now only. Last time Mr. Jungkook gave him a punishment because he disturbed him and the whole class. Maybe he did it because of that," Betty explained, her confidence growing.

"Yah, what the hell are you saying. I didn't do anything like this. Ok?" Min-jun interjected defensively.

Yoongi maintained his composure. "Min-jun, don't raise your voice. Both you and Betty, come to the principal's office."

Hoseok leaned towards Namjoon, whispering urgently, "Why Betty?"

Namjoon responded in a hushed tone, "She will tell Jin Hyung what she told us."

Betty and Min-jun exited the classroom, leaving behind a tense atmosphere. Yoongi approached Namjoon and Hoseok, his expression grave.

"Don't worry. Your Hyung is fine. I will go and check on him," Yoongi reassured them before leaving the room.

Later, at home, Jimin relayed unsettling news to Namjoon, who found it hard to believe.

"Hyung, stop it. It's not possible," Namjoon dismissed Jimin's claims.

Jin and Taehyung joined them, curious about the conversation.

Jimin persisted, "Let me tell you. First, tell me, you both know what happened to Jungkook Hyung this morning in class, right?"

Jin and Taehyung nodded in acknowledgment.

"And after that, Jin Hyung, you suspended him from school for 2 weeks, right?" Jimin continued.

Jin confirmed, "Yes, I did."

Jimin dropped a bombshell, "Hyung, I got to know from somewhere that he is in the hospital right now."

Jin and Taehyung's eyes widened in shock. "What? How?" Jin questioned, his concern evident.

Namjoon attempted to rationalize, "Hyung, it may not be true. I guess someone just spread a rumor."

Jimin refuted his claim, "No. In my class group, we even received a photo of him. Tae, you can check on your phone too. It's there."

As Taehyung retrieved his phone and found the photo, the gravity of the situation became undeniable.

"Gosh. It's really true," Jin remarked, his worry deepening.

As they processed the news, Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a significant glance. Suddenly, their voices rose in unison, shaking the room.


(Yoongi- Jhooooooooooooooooooooooooope 😜😜)

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Words Count- 770

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