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They both broke the hug after a whole 5 minutes. Namjoon was looking down whole sobbing. Hoseok holded his chin and made him look up right into his eyes.

Hoseok- Who are you?

Hoseok asked and Namjoon looked at him confused. If they were not in a emotional situation, Hoseok seriously would have cooed and pinched Namjoon's cheeks cause he was looking so cute.

Like imagine, a 20 year old, sitting while holding someone like they would leave him if he left them, eyes fully wet from tears and tears still flowing from his eyes. Sobs were continuously heard while he was having a very confused face. Looking at you while titling his face a little. Isn't it cute?

Ofcourse it is. And for Hoseok, who was seeing all this was more cute. Cause the someone in front of him is someone he never thought he would see like this.

Namjoon- What do you mean? It's me. Namjoon.

Hoseok- This can't be true. The Namjoon whom I know, never cries. He can make people cry but he can't cry. I never saw him cry.

Hoseok said and that's when Namjoon realised he was crying. He wiped his tears with his sleeves and looked at Hoseok.

Namjoon- I can't believe you are joking right now.

Hoseok- I can't joke with my brother?

Namjoon- You accept me as uour brother?

Hoseok- No. I accept your soul. Idiot. Ofcourse I accept you.

Hoseok said and Namjoon again hugged him making him starled. But then he also hugged him. 

Namjoon- You know, I love you so much.

Hoseok- Me too.

Namjoon broke the hug and looked at Hoseok like a small child and said

Namjoon- You are not mad at me. Right?

Hoseok- Um hm. No. I am not. Not after The long speech you gave me.

Hoseok asked and they both chuckled. After that none of them said anything. There were sitting there in silence looking infront. They was a comfortable silence between both of them.

Hoseok- Namjoon?

Hoseok said and Namjoon hummed. So, he continued.

Hoseok- Since, we both are already outside, shall we spend some time together today?

He said and Namjoon immediately looked at him with a amused face.

Namjoon- I was thinking the same.

Hoseok- Really? Then, let's do it?  Let's spend this day with each other.

Namjoon- Sure. But....

Hoseok- But?

Namjoon- First let's go home and tell Hyung's that You are safe. They were literally freaking out from the time they found that note of yours. And Tae Hyung was making all negative "what if" scenarios making all of us. And even if I told them not to worry, I know they would be worried as hell.

Namjoon said and soon covered his mouth as he realised the last word he said. He looked at Hoseok who was already standing and looking at him. 

Hoseok said

Hoseok- Then, what are we even waiting for. Let's go fast. They must be really worried as hell!!

Hoseok said and Namjoon immediately stood up. They both started walking fastly towards their house which was 15 minutes away from the bus station.

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