Chapter 28 - Good News

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The next day, Evan woke up covered in sweat. His blanket was kicked at the foot of the bed, one of his own legs still tangled in it. His pyjamas consisting of a white t-shirt and boxers were completely drenched, as was his hair sticking to his forehead. Evan didn't remember having a bad dream, but everything pointed to it. He didn't know whether to be glad that he didn't remember or to be angry that he had no idea what had ruined his mood this morning. Not that he didn't have a reason to be in a bad mood otherwise.

His still semi-stiff body ached as if he had run a marathon, but Evan chose not to pay attention to it, knowing that his muscles would regenerate in no time and the pain would be gone. At least the physical one.

He knew he couldn't control how he felt, but he could do something to at least look presentable. He had to convince his parents that he was trying to look good for his mate, and his friends, that everything was fine or even better and he still had an amazing boyfriend that he wanted to look attractive to. Not that Kieran cared that much, but Evan wanted to somehow make it up to him for not being able to be together in public.

His life was a mess, but so was he.

Before he finally decided to get out of bed, he decided to check his phone. Kieran's face grinned at him from the background he had set earlier, and a soft smile appeared on Evan's face as well. But even his brief moment of happiness did not last another minute. All it took was a notification on a social network that he had a new friend request. Evan clicked on a small icon on the screen, and the first thing that caught his eye was his name. Of course, there was a small photo next to it that Evan didn't even have to open to know that his chosen one looked good and definitely had a mischievous smile on his face.

He hesitated for a small moment. He knew it wasn't a good idea, but on the other hand, he didn't want to be the reason for any negative emotions on Ryan's part. Therefore, for peace of mind, he decided not to accept it, but he did not reject it either.

To cheer himself up, he moved from the main page to the chat. Of course, the very first conversation was with his boyfriend. Evan opened it straight away and shot Kieran a quick good morning message. The answer came instantly, and he had reason to smile again.

"Good morning, handsome," the message read. Evan giggled and bit down on his thumb. Just one sentence caused a warm heat to fill his inside.

"It definitely is now," he quickly texted back, eagerly waiting for a reply. Out of the corner of his eye, he checked the time in the corner of the display to make sure he had enough time to get to the bus. Fortunately, time was on his side today.

"Someone's cuddly today. I feel like I'm missing out." Evan would be lying if he said he never imagined what it would be like to wake up next to Kieran. He knew that his boyfriend liked to hug and cuddle, and Evan suspected that it must have been even better in the morning.

"You definitely do," he replied, imagining all the different scenarios, and quickly added, "Maybe we could hang out after school?" Without even hearing his answer, he began coming up with a plan. He couldn't rely on Angie as he wasn't planning on talking to her until she apologized. Evan hoped that wouldn't be a problem since his parents had believed his lie the night before, but he still needed a bulletproof plan.

His phone vibrated in his hands, announcing that he had a new message. Kieran, of course, agreed. If he was surprised by his proposal, he did not show it. Evan had no doubt that he wanted to discuss this face-to-face, and he was genuinely looking forward to it. He could finally tell him that he had figured out a way for them to meet other than at school or at a remote gas station. They could finally be a real couple.

The corners of his mouth lifted involuntarily. Although Evan was an emotional mess, there was one emotion he couldn't shake no matter how hard he tried. The one he felt for a certain boy.

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