Chapter 93 - Tuesday

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The next day looked more promising, even though Evan still couldn't put his foot down. Angie was riding the bus with him this time, so he didn't have to worry about using every curse word he knew again when he got off, and Aiden was helping him in the hallways again, even though the atmosphere between them was still a little strange. Certainly, less strange than yesterday, though. Evan just hoped that by the end of the week, he would clear it completely and they would be best friends again with no buts.

And while it looked for a moment like that would be the only challenge Evan would face soon, it turned out he was wrong. The last class before lunch was in fact History, and their teacher seemed to have good news for them.

Mrs. Simons, their History teacher, was standing in front of the class waiting for everyone to quiet down. She had a wide smile on her face, which was typical of her, but she seemed more excited than usual, so Evan decided to pay attention to her for a change. After all, her over-enthusiasm was incomprehensible to him and so she could often get on his nerves, even though it wasn't her intention.

"Good morning, everyone," she greeted them as usual. "I have some wonderful news for you. As part of our college prep program, we're planning a four-day trip to New York City to explore the University of New York!"

The class was immediately engulfed in noise as the students began whispering amongst themselves, and poor Evan couldn't believe his own ears. He had a chance to see his dream University! Before he could start thinking about how there was no way his parents were going to let him go, however, the brunette seemed to sense the direction his thoughts were taking and leaned toward him. "We'll figure something out," Angie whispered with an encouraging smile.

"The trip will take place in exactly two weeks. We'll be departing early Monday morning by a comfortable, air-conditioned bus and returning Thursday evening," she filled them in on the details. Some of the students were taking notes on what she was saying, but Evan knew he wouldn't forget her words even if he tried hard.

"It's a trip for all juniors, so we'll have to book a hotel, and depending on the hotel's availability, there will be two or three of you in the room. The plan so far is that we'll have breakfast together at the hotel each morning, followed by a tour of New York City in the afternoon, and then you'll have time for yourselves and your own activities in the evening. Sounds great, doesn't it?" Mrs. Simons seemed to be as excited about this trip as the students and couldn't hide the emotion in her voice.

However, then it was time for the less pleasant details.

"Now let's talk about the financial side," she said, and her smile faltered slightly. "The cost of the trip is $300 per student, which includes transportation, lodging, breakfast, and all planned activities. We understand that this can be a significant expense for some, so there are financial aid options. Please contact me privately and together we can work out a solution."

Mrs. Simons then moved to her desk and picked up a stack of papers from it. "One last thing. You'll receive a permission slip today, which your parents or guardians will need to sign, indicating their consent for you to join the trip. I want it on my desk by Friday, so I know the exact number of students who will be attending the trip," she explained, then split the stack in half, handing it to the closest students to pass on.

The moment Evan held the paper in his hand, his thoughts immediately scattered. His classmates gossiped happily about the upcoming trip, and Evan envied them for not having to question whether their parents would let them go. Things weren't looking very bright in his case, after all.

However, he was confident that he would find a way to get his parents to say yes, even if he had to promise them the moon.


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