Chapter 45 - Distant

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He spent the whole Sunday lying in his bed. His phone inconspicuously died after a few hours of playing games, and he didn't bother to charge it. Thanks to that, he had such a perfect excuse for not picking up the phone and not responding to messages. He had a difficult decision to make, and he didn't want to be influenced. Not that it worked.

The moment he unlocked his phone that morning, he saw Kieran's picture. The moment his phone died, he decided to read a book and the moment he saw his favourite series on the shelf, he remembered Ryan. And so, it went all day. If the universe wanted to tell him something, it was either doing it wrong or it was just as confused as he was.

Right now, he was lying in bed, surrounded by books, and drawing supplies. For a long time, he didn't just doodle for himself and decided that right now was the right moment. He needed to vent, and he had known for a long time that he was always so absorbed in the art that he forgot about time. The only thing he was focused on now was not to draw anything related to one of his suitors. And so, he decided to draw a cottage in the forest. It was a pretty cliche idea, but he had nothing to lose. He didn't need it for any competition and didn't plan to display it anywhere. It was for his eyes only.

He had a specific idea in mind, knew exactly what to draw where, and knew exactly when something didn't fit. It was as if he was drawing something concrete, but he could have sworn that the image he was drawing in his sketchbook was pure imagination.

A knock on the door pulled him out of his concentration. And without him answering, the door opened straight away, and his mother entered. If he was in a better mood (or worse), he probably would have asked her what she would have done if she had just caught him jerking off. Fortunately for her, he was in no mood for remarks.

"Are you OK?" his mom asked, surprising him. He turned to her with a grimace that didn't hide his reaction and his mom just rolled her eyes.

"You draw when you're stressed," she explained. Her gaze fell on Evan's bed, so he moved further to the side to give her room. She immediately took advantage of this and sat down next to him, watching the mess on his bed with a stern look.

"I'm always drawing," he protested. Based on her look, his argument did not work with her.

"Not in your bed. Not lying down. And not nibbling on the end of pencils." With the last part of the sentence, Evan took a red pencil out of his mouth, caught in the act.

"What's wrong?" she asked. Evan couldn't help the sigh that escaped him. He automatically wanted to answer that he was fine, but his mother had obviously already seen through him.

"It's not an issue I want to discuss with mom," he decided on an answer that wasn't a lie, and at the same time, sounded like she didn't have to deal with it anymore.

"I really hope it's not a sexual problem." Evan almost choked on the said pencil.

"Mom!" He shot up into a sitting position. His cheeks were burning red, but his mom was obviously ignoring it.

"I'm just saying you're too young for that." She shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. If she knew what Evan had already tried, she would probably have had a heart attack. And if she knew with whom...

"It's not a sexual problem," he assured her, but she didn't seem convinced. With a sigh, Evan changed the position he was sitting in and folded his legs comfortably under him.

"It's really not," he repeated. He tried to come up with any problem that she would be happy with and at the same time keep him out of trouble. If he said that it was his friends, she would definitely tell him that it was because they were human. If he said it was a school, she would tell him it was because it was far away and there were no wolves around. It was a vicious cycle.

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