Chapter 36 - The Beginning of The End

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"I haven't been completely honest with you." Was the first thing that came out of Evan's mouth before he could think better of it.

"What do you mean?" Kieran still looked confused, but the tone of his voice didn't change. He was never one to jump to conclusions, and Evan was thankful for that. But the problem was that he hadn't thought through exactly what he wanted to say, and he knew that the more he thought, the more it would look like he was making up a lie despite how he had started the conversation.

"It is complicated." Because it was. Nothing screamed complicated more than not being able to say you were a supernatural being yet explain the situation.

"Okay? So can you explain it to me? Because I'm beyond confused right now." If he were in his place, he would have demanded answers in a more forceful manner. But Kieran being Kieran, he sat in his seat, showing no negative feelings other than confusion. Evan admired his patience, but he knew that even Kieran had his limits.

Evan sighed, fighting back the urge to apologize. That's what he's always done, and so far, it's gotten him nowhere.

"My family is more complicated than I've said before." Kieran was quiet, giving him space to find the right words, and Evan couldn't look at him without feeling guilty. And that's exactly what he was trying to do. Getting rid of the guilt even though it was impossible.

"It's hard to explain. My family lives in a closed community that has certain rules." It was the simplest explanation, although it sounded like Evan himself was a member of a cult. This obviously went through Kieran's mind as well, as he opened and closed his mouth to nothing. He could be seen thinking hard and trying not to focus on the worst possible explanation.

"I know how it sounds," Evan assured him, "we're not members of a cult. Although we certainly have something in common with them." His words turned into mumbles.

"Evan," Kieran addressed him in a booming voice, and Evan looked up at the sound of his name. "Please tell me. I can see it's hard for you to talk about, but you literally dropped a bomb." Kieran never forced him to do anything. He never wanted him to do something he didn't want to do and to hear him say something like that. Evan knew he was right and that he was entitled to the truth. He knew he didn't mean to hurt him and that he had no right to dwell on his words. So even though it hurt, Evan continued.

"We live in a neighbourhood that you might think of as a small town or even a country. We have our own leader and people who help him lead our community. He is not a dictator or a manipulator, don't get the wrong idea. Our community meets often, and everyone can contribute their ideas. However, the problem arises when it comes to foreigners - people who do not belong among us," he explained, searching for the right words with each next sentence.

"Like me?" Kieran offered. Evan nodded silently. Their eyes met again, and this time there was no comfortable silence between them. The atmosphere was heavy, and Evan knew it was all his fault, but he couldn't stop now. Not now that he had finally decided to be honest with him.

"People from our community marry each other. Dating is not something that is common there, rather they see it as something that automatically leads to marriage. If you date someone, everyone is waiting for the wedding. That is if you don't decide to date someone outside the community. Then everyone has the right to express their opinion about your relationship and if they are not happy with it, you have to make a choice," he finished. Saying it out loud like that, living in a pack sounded like the worst possible way to live.

"Are you serious? You have to choose between your home and the person you love?" Kieran was horrified, and Evan was not surprised. He had never known anyone kinder and more compassionate than him.

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