Chapter 75 - Better Times Are Coming

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Of course, Evan's wearing of the bright colour didn't go unnoticed. The moment he crossed the threshold of the school and Lola saw him, her expression changed to one of incomprehension.

"Hey, guys." Her typical cheerful tone was mixed with momentary disbelief that, from her look, was clearly directed at Evan.

"Hey, girl." There was still a beaming smile on Angie's face, which was the fault of her morning's revelations, and Evan hoped she wouldn't give it away right away. Not that he wanted to hide the fact that he had a new boyfriend, but he was still afraid of his friends' reactions. It had been a few months since he and Kieran had broken up, but their group of friends was still divided, so he didn't want to make a wrong move and mess things up even more.

"Hey." Evan greeted her, deciding to pretend he hadn't noticed the look she was giving him, even though it was impossible. "What's up?"

"Aiden's getting on my nerves," she revealed with a sigh.

"Nothing new," Angie answered her promptly. She and Aiden had a problem between them, though Evan had no idea if Aiden knew about it. The whole thing centred around the fact that Aiden had stopped talking to Evan, and because of that, Angie had stopped talking to him. After they'd had lunch together almost a month ago and he'd used a different tone when talking to Lola and Angie and a different one for Evan, Angie had decided it was the last straw and had started letting him know that he bothered her.

"I'm getting tired of this conflict." Lola sighed again.

"Tell me about it. I don't understand what his problem still is. I get that Evan broke up with Kieran, but Aiden was Evan's friend long before he ever knew Kieran. This taking sides thing is so terribly childish." Angie started to get annoyed, and her smile was suddenly gone. It seemed like this was something that had been bothering her for a long time and Lola starting this conversation set off a trigger.

"I didn't give him an answer," Evan interjected, sticking up for Aiden. "I can see why he's mad at me."

"You didn't give me one either," Lola responded immediately. Before Evan started to feel bad about her answer, however, she continued, "That doesn't mean we have to stop being friends because of it. He could just wait until you're ready to talk about it. That's what friends do."

The problem was that Evan wasn't sure he'd ever be ready to talk about it. It would still mean he'd have to admit he was a wolf, otherwise his explanation would be that he'd started to have feelings for Ryan, and it would make it sound like he'd emotionally cheated on Kieran. And while that was partly true, since he couldn't control his wolf's feelings and his joy at finding his mate, he didn't want to make Kieran feel like he wasn't good enough for him.

Suddenly both girls froze and didn't say another word. They were both looking over Evan's shoulder and he began to think that Aiden had accidentally overheard their conversation, but when he looked around to make sure, he realized that it wasn't Aiden standing a few steps behind him.

Kieran was approaching them with confident strides and Evan expected him to walk around them, but the opposite was true.

"Hey," he greeted, stopping by them. Evan glanced at him again fleetingly, but then quickly averted his gaze. He still had no idea what to do in his presence and he was either managing to make the situation awkward or worse, nothing in between.

"Hey, Kie." Lola immediately greeted him enthusiastically, giving no indication of how surprised she was by his presence. She still spent a fair amount of time with him herself, but Angie and Evan were almost never around. I mean, Angie almost wasn't, but Evan wasn't at all.

"Hey." Angie greeted him right after that, and that left only Evan, who still had no idea if he could speak up. In the end, though, he decided to take a chance, realizing that Kieran was the one who'd come to them and not the other way around.

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