Chapter 58 - First Snow

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One week. Exactly one week, and Ryan would be back in Manvale. Evan resented the idea even though he knew it was natural that he wanted to spend the holidays with his family.

The approaching holidays gave him the opportunity to think about his own family, too. He had long thought that his relationship with his parents was doomed and beyond repair, but the last few days had made him question that. He couldn't even remember the last time they had argued.

Maybe that's why he spent more and more time with them and even volunteered to join them at the pack meeting. Knowing that Michael and Ryan would definitely be there, he was actually looking forward to it. This time it was Angie who wasn't happy as he somehow convinced her to come with them. Fortunately for him, she couldn't complain too much as Evan's parents walked by their side.

But that didn't mean she didn't give him a nasty look now and then.

As usual, when Evan found himself at a pack meeting, he stopped paying attention the moment he arrived at the meeting place. His eyes roamed the crowd, searching for a pair of black-haired boys.

"At least try to pay attention for a second," his mom drew his attention to her, and his gaze turned to her. She didn't look like she was scolding him, which was still new to him, but he still knew she meant it.

"I'll try," he promised her, and she surprisingly seemed pleased with his words. She obviously knew that if he agreed right away, it probably wouldn't be true, so even a little was enough for her.

"You remember our alpha's name, right?" his father's tone was amused, and Evan rolled his eyes at that. Apparently, he decided it was finally appropriate to start picking on him again after two weeks of tiptoeing around him and always trying to be near him so he wouldn't be alone. He'd been working from home more than usual lately, and Evan knew it was because of him.

"Our alpha is Lucas, our beta is Nelson, and our pack is called The Ice Claws Pack. Anything else?" he named in a hurry since he couldn't wait to be with Ryan.

"You forgot about Luna," his dad was undaunted by his annoyed tone. His mom was surprisingly quiet, but she was also watching him as if to make sure he didn't forget this basic information, which was not realistically possible. He didn't even have to look at Angie to know that she was more than amused by this whole exchange.

"Margaret," he replied as his dad looked at him as if seriously testing whether he knew this.

Their Luna was memorable in a way, and that's how he would probably remember her even if he wasn't from this pack. Not only did she have one white streak in her hair that was an anomaly, and she couldn't get rid of it, but she also stood out from the other wolves in other ways. She was infertile.

Infertility was not something typical for wolves, but rather the opposite. Moreover, when it came to high-ranking wolves like their alpha Lucas, it was expected that he would have an heir to the throne, which was not possible in this case. From the stories Evan had heard, he knew that the couple didn't have the easiest time when they found out they were mates and that they tried to convince Lucas to reject her. But that didn't happen, and they were still together today. Evan had no idea how they solved the successor problem, but he probably would have if he'd been paying attention at pack meetings. Or if he attended them more often.

"How about the number of members in our pack?" his mom intervened, and he gave her a look that said she was crazy. He had no idea how many people lived on their street, let alone the whole pack.

"Do you know?" he turned the question to her.

"Of course not," she laughed in amusement. So, this was another attempt to catch him. Evan rolled his eyes again and shifted his attention to his best friend who was trying not to laugh the whole time.

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