Chapter 91 - Surprising Outcome

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Although Evan was apprehensive about returning home, he eventually decided to just tell his parents the truth. Or an altered version of it.

When he got home, and Ryan helped him to the door, his mom nearly had a heart attack when she saw the condition, he was in. She immediately ordered him to sit on the couch so she could look at his leg, even though it was bandaged, and Evan decided to let her.

Ryan stayed in the living room with him, sitting on the couch next to him, not quite close enough for anyone to figure anything out, but not far away either. Michael, on the other hand, had decided to go home, figuring that Ryan was planning to spend the night at Evan's place, though nothing had been officially arranged yet.

Evan's father appeared in the living room moments later and, like his wife, was concerned about their son's condition. Unlike her, however, he didn't want to take a close look at his injuries and instead asked what had happened.

Evan explained that while he was out running, he had come across wolves that were getting too close to human territory and decided to follow them just in case. He stated that when he noticed them getting to the edge of the woods near where the road was already starting, and human voices could be heard, he decided to lure them away so they wouldn't be spotted and also so that no one would get hurt. However, he wasn't fast enough, and the wolves eventually attacked him. And although he fought them off, they managed to injure his leg. Then again, he changed his story a bit and claimed that he ran to a pile of his clothes to call his friends and they helped him and then took him home. Nothing more, nothing less. And by not specifying which friends were involved, he wasn't actually lying.

When he finished the last words, and his gaze met his mother's, he saw something that looked suspiciously like pride alongside the tears. He didn't know that for sure, though, since his mom had only told him: "I'm glad you're all right. You did good."

His father then moved to sit beside him and gently pressed him against his side in a sort of embrace for a bit, and Evan, carried away by the moment, rested his head against his chest for a second.

"Are you staying the night?" Evan's mom asked later as she shifted her attention from her son, and her eyes fell on the black-haired boy.

"If you don't mind. I just wanted to make sure he's okay," he replied honestly.

"Of course," she replied, and his words seemed to reassure her. "It'll be good if someone stays with him overnight. I'd do it myself, but if you want to stay..."

"I'll keep an eye on him." Ryan immediately promised her, and she gave him a small smile.

And so it was decided that Ryan would stay at Evan's house and even sleep in his room.

Speaking of his room, Evan had forgotten the state he'd left it in until Ryan, and his dad helped him up the stairs and he opened the door.

His dad gave one look to the mess on the floor and then turned to Ryan, announcing: "I guess you'll have to share." As much as it sounded like a disadvantage to Evan's father, the boys couldn't have been more thrilled to suddenly have an excuse to sleep in the same bed.

Two pairs of hands helped Evan sit up on the bed, and after his dad made sure he didn't need anything more, he left the room with a promise to get Ryan some blankets. At the same time, he asked the black-haired boy if he could move the things on the floor so that Evan could walk to the door if he needed to, holding onto the furniture if he did. Ryan immediately agreed and moved straight to the floor.

After the door closed behind the older man, however, Ryan's attention turned to something else. At first, he planned to sit down next to his mate, but then something caught his eye that captured his full attention.

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