Chapter 31 - Nowhere - Part 1

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After a few minutes of aimlessly walking (or so it seemed to Evan), Evan decided to break the silence.

"Where are we going?" he asked the question, not caring which of the pair answered it.

"Nowhere." Evan made sure his expression showed his distaste as he glared at Michael. However, he did not return his look and walked on as if he was satisfied with his answer. Before Evan could address him again, his cousin decided to save the day.

"We're calling it nowhere," he explained, Evan's gaze turning in his direction for a brief moment. He knew it wasn't a good idea to make any contact with him, even eye contact, but he wanted him to know he was paying attention. Also, he was grateful that he didn't have to ask him a follow-up question as Ryan took it upon himself to explain further.

"It's our spot. We always used to go hole up there when we were kids." A blissful smile appeared on Ryan's face, which obviously belonged to the childhood memories that popped into his mind while he was telling the story. Evan felt his face turn red when he looked at him, so he rather looked away.

He thought for a moment, imagining the cousins as children. He knew Michael, but he had to admit that he hadn't noticed him in the past as much as he did now. Also, as sad as it was, Michael used to have a lot of friends, but as the years progressed, they dwindled more and more. At first, he felt sorry for him, then he attributed it to Michael's own annoyingness, and now he was leaning towards pity again. Or rather, to the fact that Michael was less of a snob than the other young wolves in their pack. Evan himself was surprised by his own thoughts, but although he still had negative emotions associated with Michael, the positive ones began to balance out.

Maybe it was because, in addition to self-pity, he didn't have time to criticize others, and maybe Angie's absence was to blame. Either way, he surprisingly enjoyed his company.

"Should I be afraid that you'll drag me into the forest and kill me?" Although the humour in his tone was clear, Michael looked at him as if he had said the most absurd thing in the world. Evan just rolled his eyes, knowing that while they shared a few good times, they obviously didn't share a sense of humour. What a shame.

"Don't want to spoil your fun, but I have a feeling you'd be good at defending yourself in the woods," Ryan interjected. His voice sounded light, reflecting the same playfulness as Evan's. The brown eyes followed Evan again, even though he had to lean over to see him over Michael. However, that didn't stop him from grinning.

"Not sure about that. I don't even remember the last time I saw his wolf," Michael commented before Evan could chime in with another witty remark.

"For your information, my wolf is perfectly fine," Evan replied. Although he wasn't thrilled with the life of a werewolf, he made sure his wolf was healthy. This meant that he transformed often enough that his wolf wasn't living in a golden cage inside him. He knew what it was like, and even though his wolf was a part of himself, Evan liked to think of it as a free animal.

"Maybe we could run together sometime?" Ryan picked up on it immediately, and although he voiced it as a cautious question, it was obvious that he was more than excited about the idea.

Evan didn't want to spoil his good mood, so he just shrugged his shoulders and answered: "Maybe." However, he knew in his heart that he would do everything to prevent that from happening. If they spent time together even in their wolf form, their bond would only deepen unnecessarily, and Evan didn't need that.

Trying not to think about the b-word, he took his phone out of his pocket to text home that he would be back later. Again, he decided on the safer option and opened up a conversation with his father. He didn't want to risk his mother's health and he was sure that the moment she read that he was out with the wolves from their pack, she would have a heart attack. Despite the seriousness of the thought, Evan managed to giggle. This of course caught the attention of his companions.

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