Chapter 48 - Without the Pack

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The rest of his week went the same way. He barely got up, ate only what his mother pushed into him, and most of the time cried so long and hard that he fell asleep. He knew that he couldn't go on like this forever and that his mom couldn't take so much time off work, so he miraculously decided to go back to school on Friday.

Angie kept him updated throughout the week, so he knew what was going on at school in his absence. He knew that his friends were angry and that Kieran was in bad shape. And of course, he knew it was his fault.

He tried to get ready in the morning, but no matter how hard he tried, he was still pale, the circles under his eyes looked deadly, and his hair didn't cooperate. He didn't know if it was good or bad or if he could even afford to look hurt when he caused this situation.

His phone was flooded with missed calls and messages that he didn't answer even though he read them. His friends first questioned him, then began to demand, and eventually their cautious words turned into cruel ones. Not that Evan didn't deserve it. He was honestly surprised they still let him in their group chat.

The only one who was on his side was Angie. Or rather, she was on both sides. She was the only one who knew why he did what he did, and Evan was afraid that it would make their friends uncomfortable with her as well. That's exactly why he forbade her to stand up for him.

Rory's reaction was also different. He could debate whether it was because he wasn't there in person and didn't want to be drawn into the conflict, or he figured there would be something supernatural involved in the problem and was waiting to see if Evan would confide in him again. And he thought about calling him so he could at least explain his reasons to someone, but since his parents were home with him all the time, it wasn't a phone call he could make within their earshot.

No one knew that he was going back to school today. At least not anyone from Marwell. Angie decided to pick him up so they could go to the bus stop together. He was just waiting for her in front of his house, but it looked like she was late.

"Sorry! Sorry!" He heard her voice before he saw her. A petite brunette ran towards him, her long hair flowing behind her.

"It's cool." Evan shrugged and decided to move closer to her so that she wouldn't have to return the same way unnecessarily. But Angie didn't stop and ran straight to him to take him in her arms.

"I'll protect you," she murmured into his shoulder, squeezing him in a hug. It was a nice gesture from her, but Evan couldn't appreciate it. He didn't want to ruin her relationship with her friends and this way that would be exactly what would happen.

"I love you, but please be there for Kieran," he spoke his thoughts out loud. Evan was well aware that he and Kieran were in a different positions. Although both were heartbroken, Evan's soul still had its other half in reserve. He was always promised a happy ending, he just didn't want to accept it right away. No one in their right mind would enter into a relationship with someone while in love with someone else.

"I'll be there for you both," she promised, and he didn't protest this time.


His hands were shaking the entire bus ride despite Angie holding them. When they got off, he immediately let her go and subconsciously took a step back from her so she wouldn't be too close to him. And although at first, she looked like she wanted to protest, in the end she didn't say anything. They entered the school together and walked down the halls toward their lockers. They hadn't met any of their friends yet, and Evan suspected he was just delaying the inevitable.

He put his things in his locker and picked out textbooks for the first class. He did it automatically, as he was used to it, so he could immerse himself in his thoughts. It was not a smart move, as it caused him to fail to notice his friends, who were walking towards him with vigorous steps.

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