Chapter 74 - His Boyfriend

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They were quiet as mice when they crept into the Saunders house early in the morning, and even quieter when they left it almost on tiptoe. Not waking Michael had been a difficult task, but luckily Ryan had managed it. Evan didn't dare go into their room with him, especially when they both still smelled like sex to the wolf's nose. However, that only added to his anxiety as he stood alone in the hallway, hoping he wouldn't run into any of his mate's relatives.

"Got it," Ryan announced in a whisper as he reappeared in Evan's line of sight. His confirmation was unnecessary as Evan could clearly see the hoodie he held tightly in his hand.

Evan gave him a smile, not daring to say anything out loud and risk being overheard. Luckily, that was enough for Ryan, and they were out of the house as quickly as they'd entered it.

As Evan stood in the road, Ryan handed him his hoodie and Evan took off the one he was wearing so they could exchange them. It was still chilly outside, even though it was already mid-February, but it was still early in the morning, so they had to do this quickly to avoid the cold.

Before he saw Ryan in his hoodie, Evan glanced down at the baby blue he was wearing for perhaps the first time in his life, not counting the early years of his life when his mom dressed him.

It was an odd change, but surprisingly he didn't mind it as much as he thought he would. Maybe he was biased since it smelled like Ryan, and to Evan, it was the best smell in the world right now.

Evan hadn't noticed it last night, but the longer he stayed awake, the more he realized how their bond had grown stronger. It wasn't quite complete though, as they managed to keep their fangs in check, but it was still more than he'd felt before.

Ryan's scent was suddenly an aphrodisiac to him, not to mention the constant need to touch him. Plus, Evan was quickly discovering that if he concentrated hard enough, or if Ryan felt his emotions intensely, Evan could identify them very easily without even looking at him.

He had no idea if Ryan felt the same way, but assuming from his satisfied smile, he certainly did.

Together they walked to the bus stop, and although there were constantly some delays getting in the way (which were most pleasant), they still had a little while before the bus to Marwell was due to arrive.

"Is it stupid to say I'll miss you?" Ryan broke the comfortable silence that had fallen between them.

"Maybe," Evan replied before giving his question proper thought. "Probably. But I feel the same way."

Ryan grinned at him and pulled him closer to him. Evan rolled his eyes, pretending like he was bothered, but the opposite was true. Automatically he wrapped his arms around the ink-haired boy's waist and Ryan put his hand on his jaw, pulling him in for a kiss with the other.

Evan didn't protest, of course, and they lost themselves in each other again, enjoying being able to touch and kiss each other without having to care about anything.

It wasn't until an enthusiastic squeal tore them apart that they looked confused for a moment, as they were so wrapped up in each other. Their surprise only lasted a second, however, as they immediately realized who the shout in question belonged to without ever turning to her.

"Hi, Angie," Ryan greeted her automatically and they finally turned to her as she bounced enthusiastically closer to them.

"Hi, guyyyys," she practically sang, grinning from ear to ear.

Evan rolled his eyes at her reaction, though in the back of his mind, he was glad she was rooting for them.

"I take it you had a great birthday?" It wasn't really a question, but Evan nodded anyway, unable to stop the smile that appeared on his face. He still had his arms around Ryan's waist and wasn't about to let go, even though they'd been discovered by his best friend.

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