Chapter 29 - Storm

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This was it. Evan's first success. When he called his father to see if he could stay in town an hour longer, and he immediately agreed, Evan realized that he held a lot of power in his hands at the moment. He didn't even have to explain much. Their conversation went something like this:

"Hey, dad. I know I'm grounded, but could I stay an hour longer?"

"What for?" his father asked. Of course, Evan was ready with the perfect lie.

"In one of my visions, I saw a library, and some classmates wanted to study in one near the school, so I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone and go with them. What do you think?"

His father immediately agreed. Evan was more than excited to tell Kieran that they could be together after school. Hand in hand, they walked through the park until they anchored in a nearby library that almost no one went to, so they could hide among the bookshelves where no prying eyes would see them. Their lips could not tear away from each other, and they studied every unexplored place under the other's shirt. Again, they didn't find the courage to go any further, not that they didn't want to, but neither of them wanted to experience one of their first times in public.

Kieran, although he was quiet and made sure Evan was okay before his every move, was more than passionate. Evan felt every place his lover touched burning with passion. Soon his whole body was on fire, and he was ready to burn if it meant staying in his arms forever.

His mind was foggy, the only thing picking up was the number of his heartbeats. If he were anywhere else, he would have thought he was having a heart attack, but now he felt like he had already died and met one of the deadly sins in hell – Lust.

But nothing lasted forever, and he soon had to return back to earth.

Panting, he pulled away from Kieran's tempting lips and moved to the seat next to him. They sat together, leaning against the bookshelf, leaving no gap between them. Their shoulders bumped into each other in rhythm with their chests heaving as their lungs desperately tried to get some oxygen.

"That was..." Kieran didn't even finish his sentence, and Evan knew exactly what he meant.

"Yeah," he breathed out his agreement. His boyfriend, despite still panting, chuckled. The moment their eyes met, Evan couldn't take it anymore and joined him. A hot moment turned into a happy one.

"We should do it more often," he said as he calmed down the laughter. Kieran turned his head towards him and intertwined his fingers with him at the same time. Evan's gaze fell on their joined hands for a moment, and a genuine smile appeared on his face.

"We could. Although we could find a less public place. I'd hate to have a criminal record," Kieran admitted, but then quickly added, "although I probably already have one when I'm dating someone so good looking it should be illegal."

"Not sure if it was cheesy or smooth," Evan laughed, and despite his remark, he could feel the colour rising to his face.

"We all know you secretly love cheesy," Kieran teased him and playfully bumped him with his shoulder. His face mirrored all his feelings, as usual. Evan knew exactly the expression he was looking at him with right now, as he had noticed long ago that it was reserved just for him. At that moment he felt like his whole world, and he hoped that he would read the same from his gaze.

"No way. I'm just putting up with it for you, that's the difference," Evan weakly argued, knowing Kieran knew the truth anyway. This time he was the one playfully bumping his shoulder against Kieran's, and his movement quickly turned into a play fight. It didn't take long, and their cheerful laughter filled the library.

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