Chapter 87 - The Truth - Part 2

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His paws brought him perilously close to where the forest ended and the road that led to the Depot began. It wasn't a road in any real sense, more of a forgotten forest path that was only used by students when they were running from the cops or looking for a place where no one would see them, but still. It wasn't a safe place for him as a wolf.

Before he could turn around and scold his own wolf for leading him there, however, his muzzle picked up a familiar scent.

Evan knew he recognized it, but he had no idea what it was. It didn't smell like something that belonged in the woods, but at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling that he knew it all too well, even if he couldn't name it.

His thoughts were interrupted by the snapping of twigs, and he quickly pricked up his ears, heightening all his senses. As a werewolf, he was at home in these woods, his instincts attuned to every rustle and scent. His gut told him that danger was coming, and he knew to listen to it.

He decided to cautiously withdraw and observe things from the sidelines. So he moved quietly through the trees, deciding to blend in with the tall grass and bushes. And then he heard it. Suddenly, his ears twitched, catching a sound that sent shivers down his spine. The unmistakable snarls of wolves.

Wolves were common to the area, especially the supernatural ones, but Evan had never met one this close to humans. From the growls, however, it was clear that apparently, today was an exception.

He had no idea if they were wolves from his pack or wild animals, but he decided not to take any chances and would have almost turned and started running if he hadn't picked up that familiar scent again, one that definitely didn't belong to wolves.

And just as he sensed the wolves getting closer, so did the scent, and a little while later the voices joined it. Voices that Evan knew more than well. Without a second thought, Evan mentally began to prepare himself for a fight, though he hoped it wouldn't be necessary.

He knew he had to act, though he still hadn't given up hope that they were wolves from his pack, unlikely as that was. They would, after all, flee if they heard humans at such close range.

Taking advantage of the bushes and trees, Evan made sure to go upwind so he could stay hidden from the senses of the strange wolves for longer. Although he could sense exactly where they were coming from, he had no idea how many of them there were, so he didn't know if he could defeat them himself or try to draw them away.

First, from behind the trees he saw two approaching figures under the forest path, and then before he or they could recover, he saw three wolves running in their direction. At this point, Evan was one hundred percent sure that they were wild animals, and even more sure that he had to do something since his friends didn't stand a chance against them.

"Run." Josh recovered first, but his plan was useless, as they had no chance of escaping from the fast predators, and besides, it would leave them at an even greater disadvantage.

Luckily, Kieran was aware of this as well and quickly grabbed his arm, pulling him along behind him.

Evan watched almost as if in slow motion as one of the wolves ran straight at them, and before he knew what he was doing, he was running to meet him. Though the snarling wolf was a predatory beast, Evan was a supernatural creature that was fuelled by magic in addition to nature. And that was why he was able to stop it before it had a chance to attack his friends. He zigzagged between the two remaining wolves at speed and landed on the third in one leap, knocking it to the ground where they both rolled twice. The wolf automatically shifted his attention to him, while the remaining two were obviously deciding whether to help him and take their eyes off the prey or wait to see how the situation unfolded.

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