Chapter Three

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Mae's Perspective

Who knew I would be moving into an apartment with a girl I literally met a week ago on a plane. Cause I certainly never guessed that this would happen. Although, I couldn't be happier about it.

It's been a week since Rosa and I both arrived in Barcelona. Today was the day that we would finally be moving into our new apartment. After deciding that we 100% wanted to rent out the apartment, it took a week to finalize the paperwork and payments. We were lucky enough to actually be able to rent it out, considering how awesome both the location and the apartment are.

So here we are today, moving into our apartment. It turns out that one of Rosa's many hobbies is interior design, so I put her in charge of that. Although the idea of decorating an apartment may sound fun, I know for a fact that it can be quite an annoying job. I decided to take on the task of creating a budget of how much money Rosa could spend on decorating the apartment. It's a small budget for now, but once we both find jobs, we can set aside a bit more money for it.

"Hey, Mae. Have you started to look for a job yet?"

Speaking of jobs.

"Yeah, a bit. How about you?"

"Yeah, I did. I actually applied for a couple and scheduled two interviews tomorrow.

Rosa has a degree in marketing, so she's been looking for a job along the lines of that. To be honest, I didn't really expect her to be into stuff like that. But, with Rosa, you never know what to expect.

When I was a freshman in high school, I already had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to do. I wanted to have some kind of job that revolves around the business in the fashion industry. Business and fashion were the two things that interested me the most. But now that I am older, I don't really know what I want to do. So far, none of the jobs that I have found have caught my eye.

All these thoughts are starting to overwhelm me, and to be honest, I need a drink.

"Hey, Rosa?"

She appears around the corner and takes a seat next to me on our brand-new couch.


"You know what I just realized?"


"We've been in Barcelona for practically over a week now, and still haven't gone out yet."

She looks confused and says, "What do you mean? We've gone out pretty much every day since we got here."

I swear to God this girl can be so clueless sometimes.

"Ya during the day. We haven't gone "out out" yet. You know?"



"You mean like clubbing!"

"Yes, you idiot! What else would I mean?"

I can practically feel her excitement radiating off her as she jumps up from the couch.

"I haven't been to a club in like forever! We should totally go! But wait, it's not nighttime yet. And I don't really have anything to where."

I smile and say, "Good thing that I can fix both of those problems."

30 minutes later we arrive at Arenas de Barcelona. I had googled this place and was hoping we would find some cute shops.

"This place is so cute! I'm so excited!"

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"This place is so cute! I'm so excited!"

"I can tell Rosa."

We start to walk around, eager to find the perfect store. After an hour of searching, we were still empty-handed. Although there were a few stores that caught our eye, nothing stood out from everything else. We were about to give up when suddenly, we found it.



"I think this is it. This is the place that we have been searching for."

"I'm totally with you..."

Long story short, we found our outfits. The boutique we came across had exactly what we were looking for, and we were able to put together the perfect outfits!

Once we got home, it was starting to get dark, and we began to get ready! Tonight, is going to be awesome!

Next chapter will be coming out tomorrow! (4/13/23) 

Guess who's being introduced next chapter.....

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