Chapter Twenty-One

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Mae's Perspective

"Ughhhh you can actually go die now," Rosa groans.

"You really want me to die?"

"No....but I'm really jealous of you," she admits.

The second I got back from Gavi's place, I instantly spilled all of the details about what had happened. And well, let's just say Rosa was a bit jealous.

"How is it that we've been here for only a little bit over a month, and you've snagged yourself some Spanish dude and I haven't?"

"Rosa, when was the last time you asked for a guy's number?"

"I mean, I never really ask guys for their number but-"

"Have you ever rejected a guy who asked for your number?"

"Yes, like all the time but-"

"And when was the last time you actually stayed with a guy after you hooked up, and didn't just sneak out when he was sleeping?"

"Ew I never stay. Sneaking out is the right thing to do."

"Well then, I rest my case."

I can tell by the look on her face that she is starting to realize that she may just be the problem.

"Mae, what am I gonna do?" she whines.

"I'm the last person you should be asking for help," I admit.

To be honest, I've never been the greatest with dating. I really hit the jackpot with Gavi.

"Oh come on Mae. Help me out here. How do I get a guy here to want to go out with me," she begs, eager for some answers.

"Rosa, several guys have asked you out when I was with you, and you said no to all of them," I point out.

"Okay, well, those guys were all ugly," she demands.

Here's the thing with Rosa. She is picky, like really picky. She's picky when it comes to everything. Food, clothes, guys. Especially guys. There's always something she doesn't like. There's always a reason why she doesn't like them or want to date them.

"See Rosa, that's the problem. They really weren't ugly. You're just being way too picky," I explain to her.

"Am I really that bad," she groans.

"Kinda," I admit.

She's silent for a moment, clearly lost in her own thoughts. I take a sip of my drink as I watch as her eyes light up, and she eagerly turns to address me.

"How about you set me up with one of Gavi's friends?" she asks.

I almost spit out my drink.

"How about no."

"Mae....." she whines.

Oh and here we go again with the whining.

"Why not?" she demands.

"Because that's weird."

"No it's not. And I bet he has some really hot friends," she insists.

I think back to Pedri. I'm still a bit shocked by the fact the he's friends with THE Pedri. Who knows what other famous friends he has.

"Please Mae. I really need this. I can't stand watching you and Gavi being all lovey dovey when I'm all alone. You know how sad that is? Do you really want your best friend to be sad?"

Shit, now I feel bad.


"Come on Mae. Just do this for me, please?" she begs.

As much as I don't want to give into her begging, I honestly have no choice.

"Fineeee," I groan.

"Wait, actually? Oh my gosh Mae I love-"

"But, I can't make any promises, okay?" I cut her off.

I really don't need her getting all too excited, just for it to all end in disappointment.

"Yes yes, I promise I won't get my hopes up," she exclaims as she pulls me in tight for a hug.

Please let this not turn into a disaster.

Gavi's Perspective

"No way she actually said yes," Pedri says, loud and clear for everyone in the locker room to hear.

"Who said yes?" Alejandro asks.

Everyone seems to turn to me, waiting for an answer.

"Well, I might have-"

"Gavi asked Mae to be his girlfriend and she said yes," Pedri butts in.

The second those words leave his mouth, the whole room bursts into chitter chatter. God, did he really have to announce that to the whole damn team?

"Mae, as in, Mae the emo girl?" Raphinha asks.

"She's not emo," I mutter under my breath.

"So you're telling me that you got a girl to date you, even though she never saw your face?"  someone points out. Probably Raphinha.

"Ya," I admit.

This seems to send the room into another fit of chatter. That's when suddenly Xavi bursts into the locker room.

"What's going on in here? You're all supposed to be out getting warmed," Xavi shouts.

I look at my phone and realize we all should have been at the field about 15 minutes ago. Great, now we will probably being doing nothing but fitness.

"Because of that, you guys will be running your butts off today," he adds.

Yup, I called it.

A groan echoes through the room, and everyone starts to slowly shuffle out of the locker room and out to the fields. I quickly throw on my cleats, and glance at my phone real quick. I notice a text from Mae asking me if I could meet her after she gets off from work.

I smile and send a quick yes, then shut my phone off and head out to the field. Now at least I have something that will motivate me through practice.

Practice starts off with some a light warmup and some stretching, but instantly after we get into the running and fitness. And let's just say it sucks.

"Not so talkative now are we?" Xavi remarks.

He's definitely enjoying this.

Finally after what feels like a million hours, Xavi finally lets us stop. I rush to the showers and rinse off, then quickly get dressed. Mae gets off work in about 30 minutes, and I want to be there a little bit before.

It's a quick 10 minute drive to the restaurant that she works at, and arrive there with about 15 minutes to spare. I take a seat at a table and wait for a server, hopefully Mae. I catch a glimpse of her heading out of the kitchen, and watch as she makes her way over to my table.

"Hi, how can I help you today? She asks hurriedly.

She must be very eager to meet me.

"Is that always how you greet customers," I joke.

She looks at me for a moment, then realizes who I am.

"Gavi?" she asks.

"Maybe," I smile.

"You're a bit early you know," she points out.

"Well, I'm a bit hungry, and was hoping my girlfriend would join me."

She glances over to the clock, then looks down at the menu.

"Just tell me what you want, and I'll ask my boss if I can get off early, okay?"

Sounds good to me," I smile.

This chapter is a bit of a filler, but anyways, what did you guys think? This chapter is continued in the next part, which is coming out Sunday! (5/21/23)

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