Chapter Forty-Five

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Mae's Perspective

I didn't want to believe it when I saw it. I thought, oh, maybe it was just some guy that looked like him. But when I watched to the end of the video, and saw Pedri pulling Gavi away, I realized it was Gavi. My Gavi.

The realization burned a fucking hole in my heart. It was Christian all over again. Except this time I knew for a damn fact that it was all real. Yet, he threw it all away. For what? Why the hell would he do that?

I could feel the eyes beginning to fill my eyes, yet I held them back. No. I couldn't let myself fall apart. I could let this break me and lead me once again into a bout of sadness or depression. I have too much going on to let that happen.

Gavi's action clearly showed me he didn't care. Yes, we were taking a break, but we were still exclusive. Him going and kissing another girl clearly showed me that he didn't want to be exclusive.

I realize what I have to do. I pull out my phone and click on Gavi's contact. I type the three words, but hesitate to send them. Is this really the right thing to do?

That's when I remember that I'm going to be a CEO one day. CEO's sometimes have to make decisions that may hurt the company at the current moment but will deeply benefit it in the future. This situation is just like that.

I hit the send button, then completely shut my phone off. I can't believe I just broke up with Gavi.

For the rest of the day, I prepare myself. I know damn well that Gavi is going to show up and try to talk this out. I know I'll want to give in, but I'm going to have to stay strong.

Sure enough, the next morning I hear a knock on my door.

"Who is that Mae?" Rosa asks.

I still haven't told her about the breakup. She'll make a whole big deal out of it, and I really don't need that. Lucky for me, Rosa isn't on Tik Tok, so she doesn't suspect anything.

"Uh, it's no one," i lie as I throw on some shoes and head towards the door.

I open it to find a both tired and frantic looking Gavi waiting for me. I don't say anything as I exit the apartment and close the door behind me.

"Mae I'm-"

"Stop." I mutter, keeping him from saying anything else.

"Mae please just hear me out. I'm sorry for-"

"Gavi, just please stop. Nothing is going to change my mind. This- This is the right thing to do," I explain, fumbling over my words.

I can hear my heart pounding in my chest, aching as all of this unravels.

"I didn't mean to kiss her, I promise. I was drunk and wasn't really aware of what was happening," he whispers, his voice filled with pain.

I want to forgive him so bad. I want to pull him into my arms and tell him it's going to be okay. Yet, I don't.

"That's not an excuse. Clearly all of this was a mistake. I mean, I get it! You're Gavi! The Barcelona super star! Young, hot, and well- well now you can add single to the list."

"Mae please-"

"Don't make this harder than it has to be. We both have important jobs that we need to focus on. Neither of us need this drama in our life. I'm sorry, but we're done," I mutter, barely able to get the last words out.

I watch as Gavi's expression changes, as he realizes that I truly mean what I'm saying.

"So that's it? We're done?" he whispers.

I slowly nod my head as I finally process that all of this is happening.

The tears begin to fill his eyes, and I feel as they fill my own too.

I pull him in for one last hug, knowing this is probably our last.

"I'm sorry Mae. I'm really really sorry," he murmurs into my ear.

"I know you are Gavi," I say as I pull away.

I open my door and walk into my apartment.

Goodbye Gavi," I say before closing the door.

I watch through the peephole, and it isn't until he's walked away that collapse to the floor and begin to cry.

PLEASE DON"T HATE ME!!!! Ya, um, I'm sorry I did that. make sure to stay tuned for the next chapter Let's just say it will be interesting. Also, happy August! GUESS WHAT!! I'm going to the Barcelona vs AC Milan game tomorrow!!! I'm sooooo excited!! Next chapter is coming out on Thursday. (8/3/23)

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