Chapter Thirty

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Gavi's Perspective

I don't know what, but I think that something is wrong with Mae. Or something is just off with her.

I'm not really sure what, but lately, she has been constantly on her phone, always aggressively typing something, or fuming over something she's reading.

I want to ask her about it, but at the same time, I don't want to pressure her into feeling like she has to tell me. I would hate to make her feel like she has to tell me something, even if she doesn't want to.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Pedri asks while we are stretching.

He must be able to sense my distress.

"Oh, um, just a bit nervous about the upcoming El Clasico. Especially since it's an away game. That just makes everything ten times nerve wracking."

I mean, I'm not completely lying. Winning an El Clasico not only makes the fans happy, but it all has a big positive impact on the team.

"I'm sure you're nervous about that, but I can tell something else is wrong. Did something happen with Mae?"

Damn, how the hell did he know?

"I mean, nothing is wrong. She's just been a little bit distant lately," I shrug, not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

"What do you mean by distant?" he asks.

"Well, she's just always on her phone. She's always getting calls or emails and shit, and needs to reply. I mean, she always seems very frustrated by them too, like she wants to ignore them. I think I'm just being a bit paranoid," I admit.

"If it really bothers you that much, you should just talk to her," he points out.

He's right. Mae's my girlfriend, and I believe she trusts me enough to tell me whatever is going on.

"Ya, I guess you're right. I'll talk to her tonight."

I'm sure I have nothing to be worried about. Why am I so nervous though?

"You got a job offer from Real Madrid?"

After practice, I headed straight over to the restaurant where Mae works at, and waited until she was done. I walked home with her, and finally asked but was going on when we were in her apartment. Her answer was not what I expected.

"Not just one offer. A lot. Everytime I reject the offer they sent me, they just send another one, promising ever more things than the last," she explains.

"You're not leaving me, right?" I whisper, a bit worried.

"God no Gavi. I promise, I'm never leaving you," she assures me, pulling me in for a hug.

Her words calm all doubts I had previously.

"Wait, did you even apply for a job there?" I ask, realizing the context of the situation.

"No, that's the crazy thing. I never sent an application or anything. I mean, how did they know I needed a job and the type of job I needed. None of this makes sense," she sighs, collapsing on the couch.

"Is that why you've been so distant?" I ask.

"Yes. Its just fucking exhausting at this point. I mean, they just can't take a hint."'

"I'm sorry love. If there's anything I can do, please just tell me."

She gives me a small smile that doesn't reach her eyes. Clearly something else is bothering her.

"Mae, you promise that's the only thing that's wrong?" I question.

"Yes," she murmurs, quickly turning away.

She's lying.

Yes, she is clearly lying, but it is also clear that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"Okay," I smile as I get up and grab my phone.

"So, am I picking or are you picking what we are eating tonight?" I ask, causing a small smile to grow on her face.

"Mmmm, I'm pretty sure you got to pick last week," she smiles mischievously.

"That's not what I remember. Last week, we got food from Mamma Italia, which is what you picked," I point out.

"Ughhh, fine, you pick. But you better not pick a place that doesn't have any good food," she groans.

"Mae, you're in Spain. All the food is good," I joke, causing a small laugh to escape her mouth.

After a 30 minute wait, both of us are devouring our delicious food Fonda Espanya Restaurante.

"Okay, I have to admit, you made a good choice," she says with her mouth filled with food.

"When it comes to food, I'm a bit of an expert," I joke.

I turn to look at her, and find she's just sitting there, her eyes blank and mind clearly racing.

"Mae," I say, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Shit, uh, my bad," she says, her voice quiet.

"Are you okay?" I ask, a bit worried.

"Um, I guess. I just really don't know what to do, and I just don't want to deal with this anymore," she whispers, tears coming to her eyes.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. We'll figure out what to do, okay?" I reassure her, pulling her in for a hug.

'But that's the thing. What are we going to do?"

I think for a moment, then realize the solution is simple.

"Well, why don't you just arrange to meet with them in person. I think that if you tell them you don't want the job in person, they might get a hint," I suggest.

She doesn't say anything, as she ponders over my words.

"Ya, uh, that's a good idea," she whispers, so quiet I can barely hear her.

"Why don't you email them now, and set up a meeting one of the days we're in Madrid," I say as I hand her phone to her.

"Okay, I'll do it," she says, giving me a weak smile.

I understand that all of this is really stressful, but something's off. Something she clearly does not want to tell me....

Unknown Perspective

"Has she said yes yet?" I ask impatient.

"No but-"

"Fuck! How many times have you sent the email?"

"Probably about 8 or 9 times but-"

"And she still hasn't fucking said yes? God, why does she have to be so fucking stubborn," I yell banging my fist against the wall.

"Yes, well, she did, um, she-"

"God just spit it out already. Are you incompetent or something?" I yell at the old man.

I've been seeing him a lot lately, considering I've been coming up to his office everyday after training to see what her response would be.

"Um, well, she requested to schedule a meeting in person the day before our upcoming match against Barcelona," he explains.

"So she's going to be here, in Madrid?" I question, turning around quickly to face the man.

"That's what she said in the email," he says, turning his laptops towards me.

I snatch it out of his hands, eager to read the email. Apparently she'll be in Madrid for a few days for the Barcelona game, and wants to talk about the job offer in person.

This is the perfect opportunity. Although, it is weird to think she's driving a whole six hours to come watch Barcelona. She better not be dating a fucking Barcelona player.

If she is, I'll fucking kill them.

I would just like to thank all of you who have been ready my story! I can't believe how many views it's gotten! I started writing this thinking no one would read it, yet here you all are! I love you guys, and home you enjoyed this chapter! Next chapter is coming out on Monday! (6/19/23)

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