Chapter Fifty-One

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Gavi's Perspective

When Pedri called me that night, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. Him calling me meant that he was done with his lunch with Mae and that he needed to tell me something. Hopefully it wasn't bad.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"Are you free right now?" he asks, his voice blank.

"Uh ya."

"Okay, I'm on my way," is all he says before hanging up.

Based on that short conversation, I have to guess that whatever he needs to tell me is bad. That's just great.

Ten minutes later Pedri is knocking on my door. Instead of greeting he walks past me and just begins to pace around.

I close the store and just stare at him, confused on what the hell is going on.

"You good bro?" I ask cautiously.

He stops pacing and just looks at me, shaking his head. I guess I'll take that as a no.

"Well what's wrong-"

"How could you?" he demands, cutting me off.

"How could I do that? You're going to have to be a bit more specific," I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. Pedri just stares at me, with a look of confusion and disgust in his eyes.

"How could you do that to Mae? I mean, I honestly thought you were better that that, that you were actually a good person. But clearly I was wrong. What did Mae do to make you do that?" he questions.

I guessed I really messed up, because Pedri sounds angry. Pedri never sounds angry.

"Look if this is about me kissing that girl while we were on a break, then I'm sorry but that was three years ago. She broke up with me so I got what I deserved. And besides, you know that happened so why are you acting like you had no idea?"

"Are you serious?" he scoffs.

"Yes!" I exclaim, not understanding why he's acting like this.

"That's not what I'm talking about," he says, skating his head in a disappointed manner.

Wait what? If he's not talking about what I thought he was, then what the hell is he talking about?

"What are you talking about then?"

Instead of saying anything he just pulls out his phone and pulls something up, before handing it to me. I take it from, not knowing what to expect. What I see leaves me speechless.

"How could you just leave Mae to raise your guy's kid on her own? I mean ya you guys just broke up but telling her you wanted nothing to do with it was just wrong," Pedri says.

I- I have a kid?

I read the text that Mae sent, explaining how she was pregnant and how she wanted to try and work things out between the two of us, about five times. Then I read the text that I apparently sent, saying how I wanted nothing to do with the kid, about five times.

Pedri reaches over my shoulder and scrolls to the next screenshot. It's a picture. A picture of a kid. My kid.

"Did you really send that text to Mae?" Pedri asks.

"No," I whisper, trying my best to keep myself together as I scroll through more screenshots that consist of more and more photos.

"Shit. Then who the hell did?" Pedri sighs.

"I have no idea," I murmur.

I have a kid. A fucking kid.

"What's his name?"

"Milo. He's- he's adorable," Pedri smiles.

I can't help but smile at Pedri's comment.

"Here's a photo of him from today. He was obsessed with Louie," Pedri explains as he hands me the photo.

In the photo, Milo is hugging Louie, while Mae is trying to pull him away from the dog. Gosh Mae is gorgeous. And Milo is practically a carbon copy of her. He really is adorable.

"You should probably talk to her. This whole time Mae thought that you chose to not be in Milo's life," Pedri admits.

Shit. Mae probably hates me. I need to talk to her, like now.

"Do you have her number?" i ask Pedri.


"Can you ask her to meet me somewhere?"

"Ya, of course."

I was going to talk to Mae. Finally, after three long years.

This would be interesting.

Mae's Perspective

"Gavi wants to talk to you," is what the text from Pedri read.

Should I agree. Or should I tell Pedri to tell him to get lost. I mean, what did he want to talk about? What if Pedri was right. What if Gavi never did get the text? That would change everything and I guess we could-

I was overthinking this.

I text Pedri back with a simple okay, who then sends me a location and time. A time that is in a mere four hours.

I realize I'll need a babysitter for Milo, and contact one of my other babysitters, considering what happened to Clara earlier.

The babysitter confirms, and that's when the realization finally hit me.

I was going to talk to Gavi.

So, are you guys excited? We're finally having a reunion! I am very excited for next chapter. It's going to be a good one :) Also school just started and I already have so much homework guys😭Next chapter is coming out on Monday! (8/21/23)

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