Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Gavi's Perspective

"Would you like to meet my teammates tonight?" I ask Mae through the phone as I get into my car.

"Wait what? Actually?"

"Ya, why not. We were all going to go out for drinks tonight and they've been wanting to meet you," I add in.

"They want to meet me? Are you kidding?" she shrieks through the phone.

Her excitement leads a smile to grow across my face. I understand why she's so excited. Mae was a diehard Barcelona fan, even before meeting me, so meeting the players that she's always watched and admired must be pretty exciting.

"I'm serious. They've been bugging me about it ever since we started dating."

"I actually think I'm about to faint," she manages to say.

"How about we don't faint. If you do, you won't be able to meet them," I joke.

'Okay, I'm fine. One question though."

"What is it?"

"What about the fact that we'll be in public?" she asks.

I was thinking the same exact thing when the guys suggested asking her to come. The good thing is, it's a small bar, with dark lights, and is usually jammed back. It would be hard to tell who's with who, so I'm not too worried about us being spotted together. Worst case scenario, we just leave.

"Don't worry about it. It's a small bar that's usually really packed. Plus, there's pretty much no lighting in there," I reassure her.

"Well that's good. Oh my god," she pauses.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, a bit worried by the sudden change in her tone.

"What am I going to wear?" she yells, going into complete panic mode.

"Mae," I say, trying to get her attention over the phone.

She completely drowns me out, as I can hear her murmuring and panicking.


I hear the opening and closing of drawers. She must be going through her clothes.

"Mae!" I finally yell, trying to get her to answer me.

"What?" she asks, her voice filled with panic.

"Why don't you just open your door?"

"What?" she asks, a bit confused.

Over the phone, I hear her leave her room and open the door.

"Would you like me to help?" I ask, hanging up the phone.

"Yes please," she pouts, trudging towards her room as I close the front door.

As I enter her room, I find that it is a complete mess. There are drawers open, clothes handing from different places, shoes thrown everywhere.

"Uh, wow," is all I'm able to say.

"I have nothing to wear," she whines, collapsing onto her bed.

This girl.

"What do you mean you have nothing to wear? What about all of these clothes?" I ask, gesturing to the piles of clothes on her floor, and everything hanging in her huge closet.

"They all look stupid," she groans, slamming her face into the pillow.

"'Mae, you're being dramatic. You'll look good in whatever you wear. Besides, it's really not that big of a deal," I explain, trying to calm her down.

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