Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Mae's Perspective

"You know that you scared shit out of me. I thought you got really hurt," I tell Gavi as I lay in his arms.

"Did I? Well, I'm fine so it's okay," he says, holding me tight.

"Thank you," I whisper softly.

"For what?"

"For completely embarrassing the shit out of Christian. I don't think he'll ever live down that game," I laugh.

"It was pretty funny, wasn't it," he smiles.

I can't help but replay the look on Christian's face when Gavi scored, and when Gavi completely broke his ankles. God that was awesome.

"So, what's the plan for tomorrow?" I ask.


Madrid is really a beautiful city. Throughout the day, we've visited so many different places, each different and unique. Our last stop of the day is Parque del Buen Retiro. The setting sun shines directly onto the beautiful structure, making it look almost as if it's glowing.

"Pretty cool, isn't it?" Gavi asks as we both admire the scenery.

"Amazing," I whisper, still completely taken back by the beauty of the park.

"Maybe we should end this trip early," Gavi sighs.

"Uh, why?" i ask turning to him, a bit worried.

"Well, I'm pretty sure if we see any more of the city, I might actually request a transfer," he jokes.

"That's not even funny," I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"It totally is," he smiles as he takes my hand and guides me to the water's edge.

The rest of our trip is amazing. We spend our days walking around the city, admiring the capital of Spain. The warm weather only makes our trip more enjoyable, allowing us to cruise around in shirts and shorts. We spend the few nights we have here at fancy restaurants, where we both dress up, making sure we look our best.

The one good thing about being in Barcelona is that Gavi doesn't need to try and hide. There's no need to wear a disguise to hide his face. I mean ya, people can still recognize him, but not as much as people do in Barcelona. And if people do recognize him, it's not like they care, considering he plays for this city's "enemy" team.

Our trip eventually has to come to an end, and I can't help but feel quite disappointed. Heading back to Barcelona means heading back to reality. A reality where I am a stupid waiter with no solid source of income.

"Hey, you want me to drive home?" Gavi asks as we load our things into the car.

"You sure?"

"Ya, I won't mind. Besides, you drove here, so it's only fair that I drive back," he smiles as he gets into the driver's seat.

Fine by me. I climb into the passenger seat and get comfortable.

As we begin our drive, I start to scroll through my emails, checking to see if there's anything important. I'm almost done looking at them when suddenly a certain email catches my eye. I open it, hoping it is what I think it is.

"HOLY CRAP," I scream, scaring the shit out of Gavi.

"What? What's wrong?" Gavi exclaims, trying to look at both me and the road.

"You're not going to believe who wants to interview me for a job," I yell, hardly able to contain my emotions.

"Who?" Gavi asks, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Only the biggest international business in Barcelona!"

I've always dreamed of working at a company that worked with foreign companies. I always thought that it would be amazing, but never thought that I would have the chance to actually pursue that dream.

"Shit Mae, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you," Gavi smiles, placing a hand on my thigh, while the other is on the wheel.

"This is such a big opportunity. I really can't screw this up," I sigh, as I reread the email.

They want to interview me on Friday, meaning I only have two days to prepare for this interview. I just need to make sure I know what I'm talking about, and don't make a total fool out of myself.

Easy, right?

"You're not going to screw it up. I promise, the second they meet you, they're going to want to hire you right away," Gavi reassures me.

"Ugh, I hope you're right," I groan, sinking into my seat.

"When am I ever wrong Mae?" he laughs.

"Not helping," I mumble, trying my hardest not to smile.

I can't help but admire him as he laughs at his own stupid joke. Even in moments like this, when I'm panicking and scared, he knows how to make me smile, even with just a few words. I don't think this boy knows how much of an effect he can have on me.

"See something you like?" he grins, catching me staring.

"Oh yes definitely. The view out your window is very beautiful," I say sarcastically.

"Mmm, is it really?" Gavi asks, as he turns to look at the "beautiful" wall of dirt that you can see from his window.

"Yes, it sure is," I shrug, not willing to admit that I was staring at his oh so loveable face.

"Whatever you say," he laughs, knowing damn well I'm lying.

"Ugh, you're so annoying."

"Am I?"

"Yes," I mumble, once again unable to hide my smile.

I didn't feel like finding an actual company, and finding a job that fits what I wanted, so let's just ignore that part, okay? Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's a bit short and kind of a filler but a lot has happened in the past few chapters, so I think a chill chapter is perfect :) Next chapter is coming out on Thursday! (7/13/23)

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