Chapter Twenty-Three

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Gavi's Perspective

"I feel bad," I admit.

"About what?" Pedri asks.

It's been almost three months since Mae and I have met, and almost two months since we've been dating. And believe it or not, she still has no idea who I am. When I'm around her, I always wear something to hide my face. The only time I don't hide my face is when, well, it's dark.

"I just hate hiding who I am, you know?" I explain.

"You're the one who decided to hide your identity. If it's bothering you that much, just tell her who you are," he says.

"I can't!" I exclaim.

"And why's that?"

"Because what if she gets mad at me. What if she's mad that I've lied to her this whole time. Then what if she wants to breakup and I don't want to break up because I really like her-"

"Hey, hey, calm down Gavi. It's fine," he says, trying to calm me down.

I take a deep breath, throwing my face into my hands. I don't know how to feel.

"I just don't want to screw this up Pedri," I sigh.

"I know you don't. And you won't, okay? Just tell her the truth, and if she truly wants to be with you, then she'll stay."

I have to admit, he's right. If Mae really wants to be with me, then she'll stay with me. Yet, there's a small part of me that's terrified. Terrified that she won't want to stay with me after I tell her the truth.

"Okay, you're right," I sigh.

A part of me doesn't want to tell her, yet I know that I have to. If i don't tell her soon, she'll probably find it out herself, and that would probably cause a lot of problems.

"I'll tell her tonight I guess."

Please let everything go well.

Mae's Perspective

I'm bored. Like really bored. Like bored to the point where I'm literally about to spontaneously jump off a bridge or something.

Today was Linda's birthday, so she was in a good mood and decided to close the restaurant for the day. Rosa's at her fancy new job doing whatever she does. And Gavi is also at his fancy job doing whatever he does.

I look out my window and, in the distance, see Gavi's office building towering over everything else. I would hate to be stuck in a stuffy office building right now, especially when it's such a nice day out.

I can just imagine Gavi staring out the window, longing to leave. That's when I get a great idea. I grab my wallet and throw on a pair of shoes and rush out of my apartment.

After a quick five-minute walk, I'm roaming the aisles of the supermarket looking for Gavi's favorite snacks. I fill my basket up and quickly checkout, placing all of the items in a bag that I plan to deliver to him.

The walk to his office building is quick, yet I take my time, enjoying the blue sky and warm sun. I absolutely adore springtime. Everything about it is just perfect. The blooming of everything, the break from the cold. It's just perfect.

I finally reach the building and enter through the big fancy doors. Damn is this nice. I notice a lady sitting at a desk and figure that she'll probably know where I can find Gavi.

I notice several different hallways and elevators, that all probably lead to different places. I remember him mentioning that he worked on floor three or something, but it would be better to check, just to make sure. I would like to avoid just aimlessly wandering around.

"Hi," I say, getting the lady's attention.

"Oh, hi. I'm sorry I didn't see you there. What can I do for you?" she asks.

"I'm just looking to get to floor three. Could you point me in the right direction please? I don't really want to get lost," I joke.

She smiles, then looks down to the bag in my hand.

"May I ask why?" she questions in the nicest way possible.

"Oh, I was just going to deliver some snacks to my boyfriend, Gavi. He told me her works on floor three."

I watch as her smile turns into a frown, and she starts clicking keys on her computer. Her eyes can the screen for the moment, then move to meet my gaze.

"I'm sorry sweety, but I'm afraid we don't have a man by the name Gavi working on floor three. In fact, we don't have any Gavi's working here," she explains.


"Are you sure?"

She checks the screen one more time then says, "Yes, I'm sure. I'm sorry. Maybe this is the wrong place?" she points out.

"Uh, ya. Maybe. Well, thanks anyways. And sorry for wasting your time."

She says goodbye and I quickly rush out of the building. Why would Gavi tell me he works there, when he doesn't? Why would he lie?

Panic and confusion cloud my mind as I rush down the street, heading towards Gavi's apartment. He better be there because I need answers, now.

I'm practically out of breath when I reach his apartment door. I knock on the door as I allow myself to catch my breath.

He opens the door and I'm greeted by his sunglasses-covered face. Why is he always wearing those god damn sunglasses?

"What are you doing here Mae?" he asks, his voice filled with confusion.

"You lied to me."

I think you guys know what's coming next chapter! So excited for all future chapters! I know that everything may have been a bit boring and slow, but i promise a bunch of exciting and interesting things will be happening soon! Also thank you so much to fearlesswriter_13 for commenting on my chapters! I appreciate it! Next chapter is coming out on Saturday! (5/27/23)

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