Chapter Twenty-Six

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Mae's Perspective

I need to clear my head. Ever since I left Gavi's apartment, a million thoughts have been running through my mind.

I wasn't mad that he had kept who he was from me. I understand why he had to, and was glad that he finally told me. I just can't process the fact that I am dating THE Gavi. I mean, I'm honestly probably one of the luckiest people alive. I can just imagine all of the Gavi fan girls being super pissed if they ever found out he was dating someone, let alone a nobody like me.

All of this is just crazy. I mean, I've been a Barcelona fan ever since I was a kid, and now I'm dating a Barcelona player!

I continue to walk down the street, drawing in my thoughts. This time yesterday I was doing the same thing, heading to Gavi's "work" with not a clue in the world.

I look to the other side of the street and notice a big group of people standing around a flower shop. I wonder what's going on over there.

I cross the street and join the crowd of people.

"What's going on?" I ask the person to my left.

"Gavi and Pedri are inside the shop!" the person exclaims.

No way.

I notice an unoccupied bench and climb on top of it, hoping for a better view over the crowd of people. Sure enough, I see Gavi, who has a bouquet of flowers in his hands, and Pedri, inside the shop.

I pull out my phone and snap a quick photo of them and send it to Gavi saying "This you?"

I watch as he pulls out his phone and smiles as he reads my text. He hands the flowers to Pedri and starts to type back. He hits send, then looks out the shop window, searching for me.

"Darn, I guess my surprise is ruined :(" is what his text reads.

Awww, he was getting the flowers for me. How did I end up with such a sweet boyfriend?

I quickly text back, then wave my hand so that he sees me. He spots me, and gives me a warm smile. I know he obviously can't wait back, but the smile is enough to fill my insides with butterflies.

I'm watching as he pays for the flowers when I get a text from Rosa asking where I am. When this girl isn't at work, she's always so nosy and wondering where I am. I have been a bit distant, with work and Gavi, but still, it's annoying.

I text her that I am coming home, then send Gavi a quick text telling him I got to go.

"Don't be surprised if I show up later tonight" is what he texts me back.

Ten minutes later I'm at my apartment door, huffing and puffing. On my way back, Rosa had called and texted me at least twenty times asking where I was, even though I had told her that I was heading home.

"What's so important that you needed to spam my phone?" I ask, barging into her room.

"Oh, you're back!" she smiles.

"Ya, I'm back. Now what was so important?" I ask, a bit annoyed.

"Nothing really. I was just bored," she admits.

Of course. Why is she like this sometimes?

"Are you serious? You took me away from watching Gavi," I groan.

"Why were you watching him? That's low key kind of creepy."

That did kind of come out wrong.

"Well, I wasn't watching him. I mean, I kind of was, but only because I couldn't go up and talk to him," I try to explain.

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