Chapter Thirty-Five

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Mae's Flashback


Is it bad to say that you are in love with someone after only dating for a month? I feel like couples aren't supposed to say they love each other until quite a bit of time, but I honestly wouldn't really know. My last relationship was junior year of high school, and boy was it messy.

So am I admitting that I'm in love with Christian? Yes. Is it really my fault? No. It was probably the second day of staying at his place when we realized that there was chemistry. About a week later, I had enough money to move out, he asked me to stay and be his girlfriend. Ever since we started dating, it's been amazing. He's been treating me like I'm the most important person in the world. Non-stop attention, gifts, and well, you know. Other things too.

My genius plan tonight was to just slip in the three words, and see how he would react. Hopefully good.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Christian asks from the living room.

I grab my purse, but before leaving my room, I stop to admire my dress in the mirror for a moment. Christian said the place we would be going for dinner was fancy, and that I needed to dress nice. Lucky for me, I had a nice dress that I had been wanting to wear.

It's a strapless dress, with a slit in the left leg. It's long and almost touches the ground, giving it an elegant vibe, but the soft yellow color also makes it feel a bit fun and happy. I decided to pair the dress with some heels, jewelry, and my black purse.

I feel out of my room and into the living room, and can feel Christians eyes on me

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I feel out of my room and into the living room, and can feel Christians eyes on me. I look up to meet his gaze, and find him in awe.

"You look beautiful," he whispers, pulling me in for a kiss.

"You think?" I smile.

"Definitely. Shit," he groans.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask, a bit worried.

"You're making me want to just cancel the stupid dinner reservations," he says, pulling me in even tighter.

"Hey, I got all dressed up for dinner. I was promised some good food," I joke, pushing him away.

'"Ugh, fine," he whines.

"You got to promise that you're all mine once we get back from dinner though," he smiles mischievously.

"Fine," I say, rolling my eyes, trying not to smile.

About an hour later, we finished up our dinner and headed back home. And guess what. I never said it. I chickened out, and didn't say it. I'm not giving up though. I'm going to say it.

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