Chapter Forty-Seven

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After a week of non-stop throwing up, I finally decided that it was time to go to the doctors. I had no idea what was wrong with me and needed answers. Whatever was happening to me was keeping me from work and making life even more miserable. I hated throwing up.

When I arrived at the doctors, I waited for about thirty minutes before I was brought to a room. I explained to the nurse what had been happening, and she took some blood samples and checked my vitals or something.

"You could be having a bad reaction to something, or I could be some kind of sickness. Once we get the blood samples back, we will know," the nurse explains.

"How long do I have to wait?" I ask, wanting to know what the hell was wrong with me.

"About an hour or two. You're welcome to leave and just come back once they are ready. We'll contact you when you need to come back," the nurse says before leaving the room.

It's about 13:00 (1:00) right now, and I still haven't eaten lunch. I decided to run down the street for a quick bite, before heading back once I've received a text.

When I arrive, I'm shown back to the room I was in before, where I find the same nurse with a clipboard waiting for me.

"Well, good news is we have our answer!" she exclaims as I take a seat.

"So what is it?" I ask, a bit nervous.

"It seems that you're pregnant!" she smiles.


Did she just say I was pregnant?

All of a sudden, I feel faint, and my lunch starts to make its way back up. I reach for the trash can and let it all out.

"Yes, I'm afraid that can happen when you're pregnant. The blood test showed that you're pregnant, but to find out how far along you are, you'll have to go somewhere else. I can schedule an appointment for you if you would like," she says.

I'm barely paying attention as she explains everything to me, unable to process all of this. I simply nod my head, hoping that's enough for her.

"Well it's your lucky day! They're actually completely empty right now, so you can head on over there now if you would like."

I just nod my head, completely out of it.

It's not until I'm watching my baby's heartbeat that I snap out of it. I'm fucking pregnant. Eight weeks pregnant. For eight weeks, I've been carrying a baby inside of me, completely unaware.

And it's Gavi's. Me and Gavi's fucking baby.

After talking with the doctor, and listening to all the do's and don'ts, I quickly head home, eager to be in the comforts of my home. I draw myself a nice hot bath, and sit there until the water is freezing cold, and my hands are dry and wrinkly.

I get out of the bath and throw on some comfy clothes and grab my phone before taking a seat on my couch. I slowly open my phone and pull up his contact. I never deleted it because, well, I wasn't able to. It hurt too much to do it.

My fingers begin to type, sentence by sentence. Soon I have a whole paragraph, ready to be sent.

I can't help but think that maybe this pregnancy is a good thing. Maybe this will be Gavi and I's second chance.

Before I can stop myself, I click send. I immediately shut my phone off and throw it to the other side of the couch. Then I wait. I only have to wait for about five minutes when a small ding comes from my phone.

I grab my phone and open the message and-


"What the hell Mae? Are you serious? I really don't fucking care. Keep it or get rid of it. I couldn't care less. You fucking left me and I never want to talk to you again. Never contact me ever again."


I read the message about seven times before I finally put my phone down. That was not the Gavi I loved. Clearly I had hurt him, because he had changed. The Gavi I loved would have never said that. The Gavi I loved would have never told me to get rid of it.

Well screw him. I was going to keep this baby, even if that meant raising it on my own. I didn't need him in my life, and neither would this baby.

I looked down at my stomach and began to rub where my baby was growing.

"It's just me and you against the world."

Soooooo ya...... Um that happened. Sorry if you think is super cliche or something, but oh well. What's your guy's opinion? Please don't hate me, okay? Anyways, next chapter comes out on Wednesday. (8/9/23)

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