The hospital

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I was helped into the car by Tate and max.
"Ready? "Cole asked
He started driving as fast as he could to the hospital.
I gagged, over and over again with my head in the bag

" slow down man shes gonna puke" Tate said
At that moment I projectile vomited into the trash bag whilst Tate held my hair up and Max rubbed my back. I vomited and I couldn't stop coughing.

It was so bad I was wheezing. Cole got scared and pulled over and looked back. Same w Brayden. Max tilted my head upwards and Tate poured water in my mouth. I spit it back out and the next time I swallowed the water. I could breathe.

"R u ok now?" Brayden said
I passed out on maxes shoulder. I threw up all of my energy.

10 mins later we called the officer that arrested HOPMUS. They said that he needed to ask me some questions. The er nurse came up to us and took us into a private room.

"What brings you here today?" The nurse asked
As Tate picked me up and layed me on his stomach on a crunchy bed.

" We are with officer Anthony, he told us to tell you," Tate said
" OH yes, if you don't mind following me?" She asked

They followed her with me being on Tates shoulders.

"Lay her down flat" I heard
Cole and Tate grabbed my arm and hand and gently kissed it.

" sweetie, I'm gonna lift up your shirt , if you guys would kindly wait outside." She said

" I am her legal guardian and also they had to help shower and dress her on our way here so.."

"Ok that's fine as long as she is ok with it" she said.

I gave her a thumbs up. She slowly lifted my shirt up and measured my heartbeat.
"Owiee" I whispered

" ok I'm sorry my dear, can you sit up for me?"
I did as she told . But with the help of my brothers.

" Can u turn to your back...... by yourself?" I shook my head slowly.
"Huh-" the nurse said
" is she gonna be ok? " Cole asked
She said yes but that my ribs and lungs sounded weird , she ordered an unltrasound and X-ray immediately and came back.
I went into my back as she requested, and lifted my shirt up.
" darling this may hurt" she calmly said.
I felt something pierce me . I screamed holding my brothers hands and kicking my legs as they had to hold me down.
" baby your ribs are broken" she sighed
That night I was admitted to the hospital.
All my brothers by my side . Brayden hand fed me a banana given by the nurse. I gained my energy back. Well some of it.
It was 11 pm at this time. I was dozing off when we heard a knock on the door. The nurse entered.
"Sorry but you are so injured, we couldn't risk moving u so we brang the machines to you!"she said .
"Ok X-ray first " she handed me a vest and made everyone go outside. She went outside
" she cannot stand up on her own so whoever doesn't have any jewelry or metal things on them , come in"
Max ended up holding me up and taking my vest off and holding me w one hand.
She went outside again and talked to the boys. They all stared at me , spookishly.
"This may hurt....... A lot" Cole said

Cole had my right hand and Tate had my left.Brayden and max had my legs.
The nurse put the cool gel on my stomach. She slowly pushed down on my stomach and made her way up

"NO STOP, PLEASE IT HURTS SO BAD GET HER OFF ME PLEASE" I begged them whilst crying. They didn't move. They just looked at the screen. " honey I'm gonna ask you to roll your pants down a lil bit not all the way. I did it and she went lower , and lower . I kicked free from Brayden and Max. I screamed in agony
All brother thoughts
Max- how can she bear this, how?
Brayden- I can't help her , I want to but I can't
Tate and Cole- I hate seeing my baby in pain. It makes me sad and frustrated
"I'm sorry honey",the woman apologized " you are so brave"
I smiled as she left.
When she left I let out a big sigh .
"Baby calm down your stressing your brain too much" Max explained as Cole kissed me in my cheek.
" take deep breaths " he said
The nurse game me a hospital garment to change into. I told the boys I could do it my self but they still stoop outside the door if the bathroom. I took my top off and sobbed. Quietly. Look what he did to me. I look hideous. I put the garment on, still with my pants on.
I got nervous. Deep breaths turned into long breaths, then quick. Next thing I know it I'm passed out
"Did you hear that?" I said
" hear what ? I asked
"Cals?" I said
"CALLIE" I shouted.
Cole started to bang on the door and it was locked from the inside . Brayden ran to get a nurse.
2 mins later a nurse ran in and opened the door . My brothers opened the door to find her crying in the floor barely conscious crying.
Back to callie
My brothers sat down on the bathroom floor as the nurse looked.
Cole put me on his lap like a baby.
" woah you are really light" he said
He swaddled me and rocked me back and forth till I fell asleep. I could feel him do that thing where he used his finger and moved my finger.
He put me on the bed and kissed my head.

Hope everyone is having an amazing day!!
Lmk if u have any ideas

Older Brothers am i right?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz