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Police sirens. fuck, I knew I was speeding. I was 10 minutes away from the house. I mean we had an extra car but we never used it because we had no use for it as Tate never got his license but he knew how to drive.

I rolled down my window.
" good afternoon officer" I said

" do you know why I pulled you over today?" He asked

I was always told to say that you have no clue.

" no sir " I said

" license and registration " he asked

I gave it to him and he went into his car.

I quickly called Tate .

C- Yo Tate
T- Cole
C- I got pulled over
T- Shit man
C- yea , u may have to stay with Cc.
T- y? The officer will just give u a ticket and you go.
C- Tate, the registration is still in Marks name ( my dads old best friend who loaned us the car but passed and we kept the car . My dad was supposed to change the registration but he died then it was me and i forgot to.)
T- Cole u gotta be fuking kidding me

C- I'm being so deadass, he's comming

T- okay .

Officer- sir please step out of the vehicle

T- I'm on my way.

Call ended

I'm not being arrested right now.

" sir I can explain, It was my dads best friends car but -"

" Sorry kid, now get out the car" he demanded

" But I'm going to visit my sister in the hospital" I said

Then I saw Tate in the corner of my eye.

" Evening officer. " Tate said

" Tate , seriously I can explain." I said

" Sorry and you are?" The officer asked

" sir , Cole here is my younger brother. That car belonged to my dads friend. But they both passed away and he gave the car to us and we forgot , please sir just give him a speed ticket , we really need to see our sister." He said

" No can do sir , Cole Lord you are under the arrest for Vehicle Excise. Anything you say can, and will be used against you in the court of law. If you do not have an attorney, one will be appointed to you." He said

" NO WAIT PLEA-" I screamed

" FUCK! TATE TAJE CARE OF-" I was interrupted

Tate Pov.
My brother was just arrested. Max had his liscence and I never bothered to get mine even though I can drive.

I called max

M- what
T- Cole got arrested, take care of Brayden, I'm about to call Anthony.

FUCK . We really need to re register the car.

I called Anthony and he told me that he will get him out.

" thank you," I said

He asked how Callie was and I told him about her liver and that he was rushing cuz whenever she is left alone she gets scared.

I rushed over to the hospital and found Callie sleeping on her bed . PHEW . By this time hours had passed. Reese came in and took out the needle and said that she can go home early.

I told her about the incident and she said Cole already signed her papers so she is free to leave. Then my phone rang .

" Good evening Officer Anthony" I said
" Evening Tate , I talked with the cops, arrested him. Since I am handling your sister's case, and he had a probable reason to be speeding to the hospital, you may come pick him up now." He said

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