The party

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Weeks had past since that incident.I was still shocked I was gonna be a dad.

None of Indianas family knew and that day she went home and acted as if nothing happened.

Callie is doing so much better. She was released and still has to wear a mask but her eyes aren't yellow and she is happier. But she has been at home because Reese Doesn't want to risk anything.

Indiana has been going to school and comes home everyday afterschool and shows Callie what she has missed.

Tom still does know and I'm scared if he finds out. Especially if it's me. He's also been coming over.

Callie pov
I was at home and it was 11am. Cole was working which meant I was home alone and Tate had become an intern at coles workplace .

Ofc I was still shook that my brother got my best friend pregnant . But I was happy for them. But she doesn't want the baby. Like she REAALY doesn't want a kid right now . But she has told me she wanted kids young.

I was home alone when I received a text from Linda.

" Heyy!! Party at my house tn" she texted me

Then Brayden texted our family gc.
House of Lords 👑
Bray- did anyone else get the invite?
Max- yep
Tate- what?
Cole- huh?
Me- I did
Brayden- to Linda's party.
Me - lemme ask Indiana
Bray- I already did , she got the invite
Me - ok
Max- I wanna go.
Me- me 2
Bray- me 3
Cole - who tf is Linda?
Max- she's in my year, she throws the most Epic parties, and it's invite only. How did u 2 get invited?
Me - cuz I'm a lord
Bray- we r lords, we always do
Max - wat abt Indiana?
Me- she's friends with Linda
Max- so can we go?
Me - pleeeeaaase?
Bray- please?
Cole - is Tom and Indiana going?
Bray- yup
Tate - okay, I don't see why not? As long as you stick together
Cole - Callie are you sure you your up to it? I don't want you to get sick or anything.
Me- yes I'm sure. I wont drink or anything I jus wanna see people.
Cole- okay, we can talk when we get home. Love you guys.
Tate- love you guys
Max- Right back at ya
Bray- ❤️❤️
Me - likewise
I WAS FINALLY going to a party
I texted Indiana and told her I was going and she said she got the last 2 periods off so she would come over.

I fell asleep after that because I wanted to be able to stay up.

I was woken up by Cole patting my shoulder and Tate drinking water.

They both usually came home for lunch around 12:30- 1

" Hey" I said rubbing my eyes.

" Good morning " Tate said hugging me from behind.

" oh Indiana should be here soon" I said

" yay but why? Doesn't she have school" Tate said

" she has the last two periods off and I asked her to help me pick an outfit."

" ahhhh okay"

" when is she-"

The doorbell rang.

" that should be her" I said standing up and answering the door

" INDI!" I shouted hugging her.

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