Ugh they don't understand the pain!

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It was getting real awkward. Real awkward. We sat in silence until Shay came.
" SHAY!" I said running up and hugging her.
" Cole called me and I will give you what u need. Knowledge wise" she said
Shay handed Cole a list . A looong ass list.
" u gotta keep track of then she gets her period . Uk, so she doesn't get pregnant. Again. And also to be stocked up on snacks . Pads etc.
and also Everything she will need.
••Period list••
Towels( separate)
Heating pack( cramps)
Salty snacks
Pain killers. (For periods)
Pain balm( boob soreness)
Panty liners
-do not annoy her. EVER
-don't ask her if she's in her period in a mean way.
-be there to comfort her
-don't say " the pain isn't that bad" because she will kick u in the balls and it hurts like a bitch.
- listen to her
- massage her stomach
- in my experience, when ur tummy hurts, put a heat back and lay down and put some music on.
" ok listen to me Cals, I gotta go but Boys. I will be back tonight around 7 and I will have expected u to get everything on that list. EVERYTHING!" She says
" yes mam" Cole says
" ok I love u and see u in a bit" she says kissing my forehead and leaving. " soooo... ready?" Cole asked getting his keys
" yh" I said
" r u wearing that?" He asked
" y u got a problem w it?" I snapped
" no no ... uh..... let's go" Cole said
Brayden said he wanted to come , and tate and max.
We all sat in the car and off we went. Cole drove and he blasted LIL BABY- pure cocaine
. I started to sing along to it and I eventually fell asleep. Cuz when I woke up we were at target
Max went with me inside and followed me around. The others were just doing their own thing. We started with the candy , pain killers and heating pads and pads to underwear and towels. We got 1red and1 black.
We made it to check out and came inside the car. We drove home and I fell asleep again until Brayden woke me up.
"Cc, Cals, Bubba?" He said
" MMMM" I mumbled
" what do u want from Starbucks ?" He asked
"Umm Carmel frap " I whispered .
Cole and tate left the car to go order and Max said I could lay down flat . I did and I put my head on max's lap and my feet on Brayden.

" aww she looks so peaceful and cute asleep" Brayden says as he takes a photo.
We arrive home and Max picks me up and puts my in the couch. I wake up soon after to the sound of shays voice. I look up to see my head on Brayden's lap and Cole rubbing my stomach.
" wow the queen is waking up" she says
" I can see the shopping went well" she continues and I sip my caramel frappe
" I got u a basket to put all the stuff in " she said.
"Thank you Shay " I say
" are your cramps feeling better?" Cole asks
" no not really but that stomach massage did me wonders " I say chuckling
"Ohh good. Change ur pad every 3 - 5 hours. Uhhh boys don't puss her off and when she is in her 'feels' do not wake her from it"
She says
" ok bye love u" Cole said giving her a kiss on the lips
"Ewww pda , get a room" I saw laughing
She leaves
" imma go upstairs, " I say as I take the basket and bags filled with stuff in it.
" you do that" Tate say
I walk upstairs and get the snacks and eat them.
I started watching some documentary on cows and I started crying.
I think my brothers could hear me cuz they came into my room.
" wats wrong bb?" Cole asks
" I was watching a documentary on a cow and in the end it died cuz it had cancer" I said balling my eyes out
" oh uhhh, awww that's sad." Brayden said unsure
" yea ikr, and the cows name was Matilda " I said
" I also have absolutely no clue why I'm crying and I seriously cannot ." I say. Still crying
" awww it's ok... we are here" Tate says as they all hug me.
" ur gonna make me cry more. I love guys" I say
" we Iove you too" they all say

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