I got it

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I woke up and walked downstairs. I saw Cole sitting up and sleeping on the couch.

"Is he okay?" I asked

" Idk he woke up yesterday Night and threw up. I think he's got that stomach bug that's going around." Shay said

" bless him" I said

I went over to him and hugged him.

"Hey Cc" he said hugging back.

"Coley" I said

Then Tate and max came down. Both in sweats . They sat down on the couch .

" morning " they both said

I touched their heads .

" jeez you are burning up" I said

I hugged the two of them and Indiana came down couching.

" not you too" I said

" nope I'm not sick" she said

Shay said she was dropping us to school. Then I thought.


" BRAYDEN " I shouted running up the stairs

I barged into his room and he layed lifeless on the bed.

I shook him and he muttered some words.
He was also burning up.

" Callie?" He said

"Yes?" I asked

" I feel sick"

I comforted him for some time and all the boys had fallen asleep.

" what the fuck do we do?"I asked

" imma call Cole and Tates boss and tell her. And I'll call the school and tell them about the other 2" Shay said pulling her phone out.

" I'll take the day off work and take care of them. Both of you need to go to school." She said

We drove to school and I realized the audition letters and cast r out.

I looked on the white paper posted on the bulletin board.

Ariel - Callie Lord
What. The fuck. How?
The drama teacher came behind me and congratulated me.

" YOU GOT IT!" Indi said squealing

I was so happy. I felt like I made my mom proud.

Me and Jake hadn't seen eachother in a long time.

"Congrats baby" he said giving me a kiss

" thank you" I said

"I wanna take you out, to celebrate " he said as his hands slowly grabbed my waist

" oh yea where?" I asked

" you'll see. Come" he said and he pulled me out of the doors.

"Ill cover for you"Indiana said

He took me out the back exit and we ran to his car.

I jumped in the passenger seat and he both laughed.

He stared at eachother for a moment. Before I know it his lips are locked against mine. His hands on my cheek.

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