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Callie pov
I felt claustrophobic. Like my throat was closing . I started to breathe faster and faster. Until I felt nurses put something in my nose and it felt so weird. But painful.  I fluttered my eyes open and saw 3 figures. But I have 4 brothers. I looked around the room and my eyes layed on Brayden.

Tears started to form in my eyes.
"Cals," Tate said as he held my hand
At that moment I started To sob.

Cole and max and Tate got up and hugged me.
"My stomach still hurts " I said
" the doctor said you should be out in no time" Tate said

"What happened to Brayden." I asked
" well Cals, he got shot by hop. We are still waiting to hear from the doctor but ..."
" come in" Cole said
" I'm glad to see Callie is awake, how are you feeling ?" She asked as she put a stethoscope to my heart

" my stomach hurts" I said
" your brother told me about that, your medicine is at home ." She said
" Okay, Brayden was a very lucky boy , the bullet  was 0.25 millimeters from the aorta" the doctor said

"Wah,?" Tate said
" aorta is the most important artery in the body,  so if the bullet hit the aorta , bray woulda bled out and died " max explained
" well put young man. How do you know this?" The doctor asked

" I want to be a doctor " max replied
" Wow, well if you need any help with that, they are doing an internship here during summer if u like. I can get the details for you" she said
" I would love that ," he replied
" and you are ?" She asked
"Max Montgomery Lord" he said as he shook her hand .

She left the room and I said it again.
"Brayden?" I said
"He was gonna rape u so Brayden shouted and ran at him and he was shot by hop." Max said with tears in his eyes.
" is he gonna wake up?" I asked
"We don't know" Cole said
I slowly got off my bed.
"Where are my shorts?!" I said
" the nurse took them off when she changed u." Cole said

" oh, I kinda need to wear shorts " I said
" y? We have seen u naked before" cole said chuckling
"Shut up. " I said
" okay ill go home now and bring ur meds , shorts and underwear and shirt , Brayden shorts and underwear and anything else?" Cole asked as he got up.

" I love you cole" I said getting up to give him a hug . I stood up and my legs went numb.
"Woah , you are still too weak." Cole said as he caught me.
" I'll be back, I love u more "he said as he kissed my cheek
I looked over at Brayden and it felt like my heart melted

"This is all my fault, this would have never happened if I went to school" I said crying
" aww baby no it's not ur fault ," Tate
Said as he sat on my bed and hugged me.

Then minutes later Indiana and Tom came.
She just ran up and hugged me. And kissed my cheek. Just like my mom would've. My mom.
" u kiss like my mother used to " I say to Indiana
" your mom would've been so proud of you. " she said
"Heyy Cals ," Tom said as he hugged me
I just smiled
" tom-ato" I said giggling
Both of the twins turned to Brayden and looked at him in horror.
Tom hugged his lifeless body as tears went down his face. Same with Indiana. My brothers hugged them both. Indiana and Tom were very close to my family.

Tom and Indiana's parents both came in. John and Carmel. They were like our second parents after our parents died. John hugged my brothers and Carmel came up to me
"Hi sweetheart, How are you feeling?" She asked as she hugged me
" horrible" I said as I chuckled
" aww it's okay, " she said
As we were all talking Jake texted.
J-hey babe, I hope ur feeling better and I hope Brayden is ok. I'm comming to visit you soon 😉😗❤️. I love you so much.
C-awwww I'm doing okay but Brayden is still unconscious. Thank you.
Jake was the sweetest

" Callie honey, I know how much you love my chicken Alfredo Casserole so. I made some for all of you" Carmel said
"Thank you so much, I was craving it " I said
" Hi Callie," John said
" hi Mr John," I said
" oh honey call me John" he said
" if your brothers trouble, you call me and I will put them in their place." He said chuckling .
I giggled a little bit and so did everyone else .
" INDI!" I said

" yes! Are you okay!" She asked
" I need to piss, really bad but I don't have anything on. Cole went to go and get the stuff and I also can't really walk. " I whispered.
" uhhh ok , let me tell Tate . " she said
She went up to Tate and told him.
"Can u hold it" he asked
I shook my head
" uhhh okay ," he said
Tate picked me up by my arms and dragged me to the bathroom. And I had to hold my iv.
I pissed and I kid u not, it was a good piss.

" can I come in?" Indiana asked
" ye" I said
" here r ur clothes , cole got them." She said
"Can I take a hit ? " she asked
" Ofccc, only if I can get one," I said
We both took hits and we were in there for like 4 minutes . Indiana had to help me put shorts on but I didn't care .
I walked out of the bathroom with Indianas help. When I felt Cole lift me and set me in the bed.
The doctor came in.
" Hello again, I see you have guests." The doctor said
"I'm just going to remove Callie's IV , and I have some news about Brayden." She said
She took the top part of the iv off on my hand (not arm) .

" she should be able to walk normally again in a couple of hours, we gave her an anesthetic IV to calm her down so her leg's probably went numb which is completely normal. As for Brayden , the bullet is still in him and we are gonna have to do surgery on him to remove it. As soon as possible or he will bleed out internally." She said

" okay, as soon as possible " Cole said
" and when we remove it he should wake up, i wil schedule it for 12:30 tomorrow, I will go through everything then." She said

" okay," Cole said

" Cals r u feeling better,?" Cole asked

"Open ur mouth " he said as he put a pill into my mouth.

I drank water and I nodded
" is that casserole I smell?" Cole says
" yes indeed" Carmel says
" we really can't thank you enough " he says hugging Carmel and indi
" we should get going , let them rest" John said as they waved goodbye

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