New life.

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"SHE WOKE UP " Cole shouted
We all ran into the room with doctors surrounding her.
Callie's pov
I woke up with the worst pain ever. There was blood everywhere. I looked around. I'm in a Hospital. Did I miscarry?!
"Cole?" I whispered
He was holding my hand.
My legs were probed up , as if I was abt to give birth.
Cole ran out. Doctors flood my room and same with my brothers.
"OMG , UR OK , Thank god" Brayden shouted
" honey your placenta is broken. The baby is no longer alive, if we don't get this baby out of u rn, you may not survive" one doctor said
"EVERYONE OUT! " the doctor shouted
"One person must stay with u , we will put epidural" the nurse said
" Cole" I said
I sat up to see that they had cut my clothes off
They moved the garment off of my back and I held Coles hand. They injected it and it was a long ass needle.
"Lay down, we are gonna get the obstetricians"

They put my legs up and put the bed straight so that I was sitting upright.
My brothers came in once more and said " I love you"

It was time to push . Cole held my hand as I pushed and pushed.

——————In the waiting room————
Brayden- "DAYM I can hear her screaming, that must really hurt."
Tate-" I feel so bad , she didn't deserve this"
Max- "i hope it goes well"
"AHHHHH" I screamed, I looked at Cole , crying, he gave me water
" I can't do this, " I whimpered
" yes u can," he said
"PUSH , I CAn See the head!!" The doctor said
All of a sudden a felt something come out.
A red blob.
"YOU DID IT" Cole said as he kissed my forehead.
The doctor gave me my baby. It was tiny. And dead.
Cole ran out to tell the others.
" baby your still bleeding." The nurse said

It was the size of my hand

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It was the size of my hand.
" awwww it's so small!!" Brayden said , patting my head.
My heart monitor increased. Rapidly.beep       Beep.       Beep.      Beep.    Beep.  Beep beep.  Beep beep beep .Next thing I know I'm gone.

They took me out of the room , to an operating room. My dead baby was left in the room.
" say bye to the baby, it's gone" the nurse said
"Good bye little Callie" Cole said

They went into the waiting room .
" your sister is in surgery, the placenta didn't come out with the baby , and her hymen and vagina are severed, I'm sorry but she may not make it" the nurse said
We all started to tear up.

Hours past and the nurses came back.

Everyone stood up.
" she's ok, we removed everything, she's recovering but is in urgent care" she said
"Can we see her, !!!" Brayden and max said excitedly
" give her 1 hour" the nurse said

I woke up to all my brothers surrounding me. Some of them had tears. Awwww, they loved me. But my pussy hurts so bad.
" what the- " I muttered
" hallelujah, ur awake!" Max said.
" r u ok!?, u went into surgery because of all of the complications, ur hymen was severed " he continued
" well I'm hungry and my stomach and lower abdomen is Killing me"  I said as I whimpered
" is that preggo stomach gone" I asked as I lifted up my blanket .
" ewwww my tummy is de formed" I said as I started to tear up

" it's ok baby , you'll be better in no time" Brayden said as he went to go grab chips.
Tate put a cream the doctor gave to reduce swelling and rubbed it over my stomach.
"Don't press down too hard" I said in discomfort
"My b baby" Tate said

Hours later I was cleared to go home.
Cole had to sign some stuff but we were free to leave .
" I wonder who the dad was" I said
" probably Lloyd" I said
Cole helped me to the car and I sat in between Tate and Brayden.
" I'm never getting pregnant again" I sighed ,
" that's for sure." Cole agreed

I fell asleep on the way home.
Wen we got home and I saw the driveway. I was so exhausted from today . I couldn't get up. I felt myself being lifted up and set on the couch.
" I gotta go run some errands, I'll be back but keep an eye on her" Cole said
" dw we will" Tate said

I woke up hours later to my stomach Pounding with pain and my 🙈 feeling sore.
I fluttered my eyes.
"Aww my darling is awake" Brayden said as he stroked my head
" my stomach and lower abdomen hurt" I said as I started to cry,
" it's ok baby, Cole is comming back with ur meds" max said,
My stomach slowly started to swell less,
Tate started to rub my stomach , but it still hurt. I held Onto maxes had and put my legs up.
At least no more school for now I guess.

Indiana and Tom came over and saw me in such a state. I could barely move . I smiled at them.
I was wearing a black pj set

And 10 minutes later , Cole came home

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And 10 minutes later , Cole came home.
" my princess is awake!" He said , putting the stuff down and hugging me.
" I talked to the doctor and you " ll be able to loose that stomach in days. It will fully go away in2 weeks but he said to work out and lightly exercise and it will go faster. " Cole said
" ok, but my stomach still is killing me" I said and whispered as I dug my face into the couch
"I'm sorry ur seeing me like this " I said to Tom and indi.
" girl it's not ur fault, we will always be here for you, we have been bffs since we were small, it's not like I haven't seen u cry before" she said as she and Tom gave me a hug.
"Girl also , ur boobs look so NICE, they are glowing!" Indiana said
" Thank you, I'm glad u noticed😉"I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek and sat up.
"No more boob talk" they all said
"Haaaaaaa" I said
" the doctor said be careful when sitting like that cuz- " Cole informed
"YAAAAAOOWWW" I shouted, " YUP I GET Y" phew.
I layed back down
"That's why" Cole explained as he slowly chuckled.
" well if u think it's sooooooo funny y don't u give birth out ur small penis" I spat
"You take that back, bitch" he said jokingly
I got up off the couch and walked over to cole. I kneed him in the balls
"Ooooooo ur in for it" he said as he put me over his shoulders and slammed me on the couch.
After that , Indiana and Tom left. I rubbed my stomach in circles.
"All of us will do a light workout tmrw, we are all doing it together to help Callie." Col said as he brang some snaks and other stuff too me.
" ok so... cole started. Well the cream is for your stomach, pain killers , drowsy meds , and something.....for,uk.......and she prescribed u morphine when you get your stitches removed."cole said
"What stitches" I said
"Where babies come out of?"cole said
" uhhhh I hate my life rn" I complained
" it's ok baby you'll be fine, better in no time🥰" Tate said as he patted my head.
" your getting them removed in 2 days ." Cole said
"2 DAYS!!" I shouted
" yup, sorry darling" max said.I fell asleep and carry me upstairs.

I need an idea for my next chapters
1. HOPMUS gets released early on good behavior. By this time it will be 2 years.
2 . School shooting, One of the brothers get shot
3. LMk!! Give me ur ideas———->
Xoxo amara🥰

Older Brothers am i right?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora