High outta my mind pt.2

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I ran to the front door. Yup . Stupid idea. I hit the front door. And idk y but I started to cry.
Cole POV
I heard a big bang at the door . I grabbed a knife incase it was an intruder.
I open the door to see a crying Callie holding a spliff , lighter and her mascara running down her face. I dropped the knife in disbelief.
" Coley I'm way too high for this and I hate being a girl with 4 older brothers and I hate u Brayden and Shay u look really pretty " Callie said really fast. I picked her up and gave her a big hug.
" I'm so sorry, I didn't want to be a burden on you and I'm so sorry for putting so much stress on u from the rape, pregnancy, drunk, high , vaping and now I'm high again. I'm so sorry " she says
" bubba it's ok , baby" I say as she cries into my shirt " you aren't a burden on me. I live u sooo much and idk what I would do without you, kiddo life is hard. And it's harder for you especially what you've gone through. I see why u do this. U told me the first time to forget who u are and end up someplace else not knowing who u r and how u got there. I think all this has done sum thing to ur brain and u need help , me and , bray and Tate and max are Always here  for u." I said
" bruh fuck Brayden he a backstabbing bitch. Also I'm sorry and Ik y'all will take care of me. Also I'mma go green out since I'm prolly gon be grounded for the rest of my life" she said slurring her words
"Language young lady, yes u probably will be and yh I guess" I say unsure
She starts walking , not in a straight line and everyone startes at her as she hit the door. They all laugh.
She makes it outside and i start taking .
" what does greening out mean?" I ask
" smoking weed till u puke" Trevor ( my friend) says
" yup absolutely the fuck not. If she's gonna smoke it. Nuh uh she won't be."I say
Trevor, Shay and I go outside to see Callie taking a hit of her spliff,
" that is a fat ghost" Trevor says
" why tank you," she says in a British accent
" u all want a hit?" She asks
"Fuck yh I do," Trevor says
" I'm not a smoker" I say
" don't be a hypocrite, I saw u take a hit of ur friends cigg" she spat back
" ugh fine whatever, .......... Gimme that" I say as I took a hit.
Wow that shit rlly is powerful
" ok gimme my spliff back now . No more for you" she says to me
" speak for ur self , u sound like your speaking pig Latin" I say
"Watever rock" she says throwing the spliff onto the glass before stepping and crushing on it.
I watch her open the door and walk zig zag
" GOoD NIghT everyone, and suck my big fat di-" she says in a southern accent as she runs to the bathroom and Projectile vomits as max and Tate run behind her.
" do u want me to talk to her?" Shay asked
" oh god yes " I say as I kiss her cheek.

Callie pov
Next thing I remember is throwing up into the toilet with Tate holding my hair and max rubbing my hair.
" I'm sorry," I say crying " I prolly embarrassed u infront of ur senior friends and ur other friends I didn't mean for this to happen I Ju-" I say as I start puking again.
" baby , I can't say I understand that ur going through but I get how hard it is living with all the memories and events. But smoking and drinking it all away is not the way to cope with it. I can help u bby, u can go into therapy or we can admit u into a psyc ward for 1 week?"
Max said
" yeh, ur funny, I'm perfectly stable ion need ur help." She said
" says the person who is currently sitting over a toilet, throwing up because she smoked to much weed to feel euphoric cuz she can't cope w her undiagnosed ptsd" max said
" woooow. On point " I say , impressed
They carry me bridal style to my bed and I change clothes.
Shay walked in
" Heyy pumpkin! Can we talk" she said
"Heyy Shay " I mumble
" ur brothers are worried abt u. Like really worried, " she says
" Ik but they act like they don't care or love me" I say
" well ofc they do! They always did. Cole told me all about u when we started dating" Shay said
" if u ever need a girl to talk to , need girl advice or period talk. I'm just a call away love" she said as she kissed my head and left.

Cole pov
I saw Shay comming down the stairs and I ran to her.
" did u talk to her? What did she say? Is she mad ? Is she ok? Does she need to go to a hospital?" I say frantically
" baby, sit down. Look I seriously think she needs ur help. She says that she feels that you boys don't love or care for her anymore because she has resorted to all these bad habits. In my opinion , she needs to talk to a therapist. Soon" she says .
Wow I think. All we have ever done is live and care for her. I can't believe her. But she is right. We stopped treating her like we used to after the incident. When she started to rebel.
Callie's pov
My head is pounding and my throat is dry. I look up to find my phone . Which is gone. People r still here. I can hear them.  I slowly walk downstairs to get water and food.
The whole party stops and stares at me.

EXACTLY 1000 words!!!
I hope y'all have an amazing day
QOTD - if u were to get a tatoo , what and where would u get?
AOTD- 4 hearts on my wrist . To show my love for my fam and friends

Older Brothers am i right?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt