Round 2

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" Callie look. Obviously I can't tell you what your feeling but I know what will happen. Your gonna feel tired, like you can't move , nausea, can't eat food cuz it makes u nauseous every time you eat. I'm not going to go into the biology of it but I can. But listen to anything I say. Please. " he said

I nodded

" good, #1 . You cannot drink alcohol after this. At all. Like even when you get better. None. #2 No vaping or smoking. If u feel u need a hit, DESPERATELY  I have this magic straw and when you pull from it  no smoke but same feeling. #3 if u feel like something is wrong, TELL US!. "He said

I smiled and nodded.

"Why did you do it? " he asked

I pretended not to hear him and said
" gimme the magic straw"

He handed it to me and I felt .....better?

Okay. This is good.

I got up and went to Tates room. His bed was the best.

I sat in the corner of his bed and went back to my old position.
And slowly drifted off

Tate POV
I watched as She walked up the stairs and everyone started talking.

" what are we gonna fucking do" Cole said

" just keep her safe, Tate since your always at home and ur practically useless, stay with her." Cole said

" I will dw." I said defensively

We all went upstairs and I went into my room and saw Callie sleeping...... upright. How the fuck was that comfy. She was curled up in the corner .

" what the fuck" I said

All my brothers ran to my room and saw her.

" what?" Brayden said

" she looks fucking demonic" I said

" awww she looks so cute. It reminds me of wen. She was little" max said

" yeh when she really was adorable, but now she is an obnoxious, annoying raging hormonal party animal of a teenager. " I said

" Jeez. Sleep in her room if it's such a problem, or mine, I'll sleep with her. She's barely taking up any space." Cole said

" eh I'll sleep here " I said

And I went to sleep

I woke up the next morning and saw that Callie wasn't in my bed. Wtf.

I rushed downstairs and saw Her sleeping , curled up on the couch.

" what is she doing down here?" I asked

" I found her down here this morning " Cole said

" oh" I said

Callie was still sleeping but everyone else ate and Tom and Indiana were comming over. And Bianca and Shay. And I invited Jake.

then Callie woke up.

" good morning " max said

" mmmmm, what time is it?" She asked

" 10:40" I said

" okay." She said

" how come u left my room" I asked

" idk I liked the corner of the couch so I came downstairs and slept on the couch" she said

" okay, r u sure that's the reason?" I asked

" yea, also I didn't feel well" she said looking at her feet

" well do u feel better now?" I asked rubbing her shoulder

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