They're Finally Back

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[There might be some scenes of a lot of cursing and rude name callings even threats and meliodas being kinda crazy, if you feel uncomfortable of that, I suggest, you skipping it, so you don't feel uncomfortable of it, thank you!]

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A running princess was heading towards a location, she knew to go. She ran as fast as possible. She smiled when she saw the familiar sight of a tavern.

"Lady y/n!" She said happily as she stopped running with a blush on her cheeks.

All of a sudden, the bright blue sky became a dark black. Her smile faltered, her eyes widened as she examined her surroundings. She looked back at liones only for her to gasp of seeing streams of smoke coming from the city.

"What is this?" She mumbled, but she heard a loud yell from behind her. She whipped her head around quickly. She saw the outline of blows coming and being sent in the sky, then she saw a few familiar faces, meliodas was fighting a dark figure that had a battle axe as he kicked it away.

But he gets hit away by a giant shadowy figure, but tentacles were sent to the giant, slamming him down as there stood y/n, growling.

Meliodas demon mark formed, and a claw is in his left hand. Then fire was sent at them, but meliodas pushed his wife away to protect her, and another black figure with long hair came at him with punches. A hard punch from yet another dark figure sent meliodas into the ground, dust encasing the princess. She covered her face quickly and turned back to her.

"Meli!" Y/n went to meliodas, but she gets grabbed by two arms, holding her as a dark figure with long hair is holding her close, their face buried into her shoulder.

"Lady y/n!" Elizabeth said worried and was gonna run to her to get her away from the figure, not caring if she got herself hurt.

But suddenly, her hands felt heavier. She looked down and saw black like roots had grown from the ground, tying her left hand down to the ground. She tried to free herself, but when she saw it would not budge, she looked back at y/n and meliodas. There were ten looming black figures with red eyes towering over meliodas.

Y/n was being held by the ten figures. They were holding her like she was something precious that they were afraid to break.

"Y/n!..." meliodas called out as he was beaten and tired, panting heavily to catch his breath as he reached his hand to y/n to get them away from her.

"Lady y/n! No!" Elizabeth shouted in worry and fear.

One of the figures that was outlined, who looked about Meliodas' height, walked to meliodas before opening his eyes.

They were red and devoid of emotion. The figure looked right at meliodas with so much hatred and anger.

Elizabeth sees the figure went to y/n who is still being held by the nine figures and had his hand on her cheek, stroking it as y/n had tears in her eyes, but it wasn't sadness or pain, it was happiness and relief of the person, she's seeing in front of her.

The figure gives her cheek a kiss, mumbling something to y/n whose eyes widen as meliodas shouted, "Don't you dare touch her! You're not taking her!" He glared at the figure.

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