Risking My Life For Them

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Elizabeth continued to fall after she gotten punched by derieri but arms caught her, there showed y/n gazing down at her lover with worry, she frown as she lowered herself down to the ground, she knew that she was unconscious from the punch.

The female demon stroked her cheek. "You tried your best, ellie. I know you did." She kissed her forehead, then she looked over to see two of the archangels are here. She knew that they were gonna kill the army of demons behind her past comrades.

She cannot allowed that since they only came here just to get their friends or family back from ludociel wicked plan, the (h/c) haired woman narrowed her eyes then turn her gaze at her beloved goddess with softness in her (e/c) eyes, she kissed her head "I'll be back." She laid her down the ground gently.

Y/n summoned her dark wings and flied up quickly towards the army of demons and the archangels with a hardened expression on her face.

"Honestly, how dare you behave so rudely toward Lady elizabeth?" The voice said before using the ability to put a barrier around elizabeth, healing her bruised cheek that she gotten.

"They're going to yell at us for this, and im sure y/n isn't gonna be happy when she finds out what happened to Lady elizabeth." Another voice said to their comrade, letting out a sigh.

"Your execution is now set in stone. Then again, you are young to be killed anyway."

This has Fraudrin growl as derieri clenched her fists, glaring at the two glowing bright orbs. "So, how many are there?" She asked, narrowing her eyes as her face hardened.

"Two of the four archangels." Galand let out a wicked laugh."This should be rather amusing!" He grinned widely, his eyes glowing brightly green as he had his guard up.

The bright light disappeared, showing the two archangels, sariel and tarmiel that had three heads, their hair ginger, green and light purplish, their eye color the same thing as their hair color.

"And by the way, our wager about them falling for our trap, I'd say the ten commandments prove to be right."

Sariel had very light blue hair with golden eyes. He let out playful tsk. "Not quite. I'd say that's null and void. I believe the bet was whether or not all of the ten commandments would show up here."

"How pathetic. The jokes of the goddess race, they're all so lame, you laugh out of pity."


"All right then, sariel. Should we bet on how long it takes to kill the ten commandments next?" Tarmiel asked his comrade, his hand on his hip with a grin on him.

"Excellent idea." Sariel agreed the bet,"I say about five minutes. And you, tarmiel?" He asked, leaning his hand forward as he faced his palm."I say about ten seconds at most." The three-headed goddess said, leaning his hand out as well, showing his palm.

"Everyone, retreat!" Galand warned, grabbing melascula who gasped from the sudden grab as he got themselves away from what's going to happen.

"I summon omega ark!" The two goddess called out, their hands glowing brightly yellow as six enormous ark surrounded the whole army of demons and the ten commandments.

"Damn them!" Fraudrin cursed, his face filled with irritation and rage."Sorry, my friends. I swear on my life, I will avenge you all." Monspeet promised to his comrades, gazing over at them with a guilty and sorrow expression on his face.

But before the light could kill them, all of a sudden multiple strong dark orbs appear over where the six large arks were, destroying them as the demons were saved in time, the ten commandments and the two archangels were stun of seeing this.

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