The Lion Sin Of Pride

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Y/n and Jericho continued to walk through the forest, carrying ban and Elaine on their backs as Jericho seemed to be getting tired, causing y/n to look over at her.

"You okay, Jericho?" She asked softly, making the knight look over at her and give her a smile."I'm alright, just a little tired."

The (h/c) haired woman frowns in concern and nodded "damn it! We can't stop now. We won't run out of steam in a place like this!" Jericho said and kept on walking while carrying Elaine as y/n kept holding ban, grunting a bit of his heaviness.

"We'll protect you, we swear! We'll keep you safe no matter-" The lavender women cut off when she tripped, having her to fall for her knees and hands, having y/n to glance over with worry."You alright?" She went to her as Elaine grunts, making y/n to gaze at the fairy with concern as well.

Jericho gasped, looking over at the fairy. "Sorry! You okay?"

Elaine opened her eyes, gazing at Jericho with tears in her eyes. "Please forgive me. I've done some truly terrible things to you, yet you still..." she trailed off with guilt in her golden eyes.

Y/n frown, she looked at the fairy, and she used her darkness to hold ban and stroke Elaine head, comforting her, which worked.

The knight let out a sigh. "This isn't the time for that, alright?" That's when a loud thud is heard causing Jericho's body to be jumped up from the loud rumble and y/n raised eyebrow of hearing that as she felt the ground shook.

Y/n and Jericho looked over. "What was that?" The knight asked only for the color of her face to be drained of seeing a large boulder heading their way, y/n eyes widened and gasped."Come on!" She quickly helped Jericho up on her feet easily.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah!"

They started to run very fast, trying to get away from the boulder, but it seemed to be only heading to Jericho, not towards y/n.

"Oh, crap!"

"Shit!" Y/n cursed and kept on running with Jericho, holding ban more secure on her back as the boulder keeps bouncing up and down on the ground, heading towards the knight.

Jericho gasped, her eyes widened when she saw the boulder was right above her in midair, ready to crush her and Elaine.

"Jericho! Elaine!" Y/n called out worried.


Thats when y/n quickly but gently place ban on the ground and she leaped herself up in the air and swung her leg, kicking the boulder to the other direction and she landed on the ground, narrowing her eyes "thanks." The knight said with gratitude, smiling at y/n who nodded with a smile.

"Those damn demon monsters, they're just toying with us!" Jericho said with annoyance in her tone as y/n grabbed ban and put him on her back again, holding his thighs behind."Come on, let's go."

'Damn it, I have to get these three out of here quick before galand and melascula sends another one.'

The two women began to move again, trying to get away.


In the distance, galand had his hand above his eyes, trying to see if he managed to hit Jericho, ban and Elaine. "How'd I do? Did I hit them? I didn't hurt my precious, right?" The armor knight asked.

Melascula had her darkness holding a boulder, her hand above her eyes to get a better view of the group in the distance "what a same, my little (f/a) manage to save them in time, luckily you didn't hurt her though." She placed the boulder in front of galand.

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