Training & Distrust

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~30 Years Ago~

Y/n was in a village called raven town as she looked around the village, seeing how damaged and rotten it is, she frown as she just came here to find someone, she had a cloak over her to hide her identity, so she doesn't be spotted.

But she sees a werefox running past her having her raised eyebrow of seeing one here, she frown then she heard grunts and shrieks of pain.

She looked over at the tall stone wall and lifted herself up and gasped, her eyes widened by seeing a young boy being beaten by a couple of men.

Y/n growls in anger, and she goes over the wall. "Hey!" She shouted angrily, catching the attentions of the males, and they looked over."The hell, you doing here, huh girly!? You are trespassing, better leave, or else, well have to beat that pretty face of yours."

She glared at them. "I like to see you bastards try." She smirks as the men's had irriated expression on their face and one of the men went to punch her but she caught it and used her fist to slammed against his stomach causing him to vomit out blood, he fell to the floor, unconscious.

Y/n quickly turn and swung her leg, hitting the weapon out of the other men's hands as he was going to sneak attack her, she narrows her eyes and punch under his chin hard then knee kicked his stomach having him spit out blood and fell to the ground, she quickly turn and grabbed the third men's arm that went to hit her and she twisted his arm causing him let out a yell of pain.

She then hit his head hard to the ground, causing him to pass out. She huffed, "Morons." She wiped off any dust on her hands and turned her gaze to the beaten little boy making her run to him."It's okay. You'll be alright." She gently told him as she carefully took him in her arms.

The young boy gazed up at her, his vision blurry from the hits, he had taken "who... are you?..." he could somehow make out a bit of face, but he could see beautiful (e/c) eyes staring at him with worry and softness.

He slowly closed his eyes, letting out a groan as he passed out having y/n frown with concern on her face as she stood up, holding him close to her as she started to walked away, she sees that he had light blue hair and did see, he had ruby eyes before he passed out.

Y/n wrapped the cloak over him, holding him close as he snuggled close to her, enjoying this warmth and comfort. He is feeling even this sweet scent. He's smelling.


Y/n was in a home that she had bought that is nearby raven town as she doesn't want to stay in their hotels cause she knows, it's in a very bad state as she is in the bedroom, using a wet cloth to wipe off any blood or dirt on ban's face.

She frowns in concern as she stands up and makes sure he is sleeping comfortably on the bed.

Y/n walked out of the bedroom and went down the stairs towards the kitchen, and she started to cook meals for her and ban.


Ban slowly opened his eyes, groaning as he looked up at the ceiling then his eyes widened as he sat up, looking around as he sees himself in a different room as he frown, he rubbed his face, he could feels bandages on him and he smells something wonderful having his stomach to growl.

He removes the blanket and gets off the bed, heading towards the door, he open it and goes downstairs. He sees a table filled with different types of food, making him drool of the sight.

Ban goes towards the table as he looks around, wondering where he is. Then he hears a clatter having him flinch and has his guard up "oh your awake."

He yelped in surprise and looked over to see y/n with a smile on her lips. "How do you feel?" She said softly as ban narrows his eyes, staring at the woman."Fine. Who are you? And where am I, huh?" He frown as he had a distrustful expression on his face.

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