My Beloved Thief

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Elaine continued hugging y/n close, her arms around her neck as she buried her face into her shoulder, snuggling her with her eyes closed.

Y/n stood there with a surprise expression as she didn't expect this at all, ban gets up from the ground, looking over with his eyes widened of seeing what's happening in front of him.

"H-hey! Wait, wait! What is she doing? This turn of events is weird, isn't it?" Jericho said with a blush on her cheeks of the moment that she is seeing in front of her.

Y/n snapped out of her frozen state. She has her hands on Elaine's waist. Lightly, she looked over at Jericho with Elaine arms still around her neck.

The fairy removed her face from her neck, looking over y/n's shoulder towards Jericho, her smile fading as her dull eyes glared towards the knight while Ban went towards them.

Y/n uses her magic to see if she is real or not. "She seems to be the real Elaine, though." She said having ban eyes widened, but he was confused about how Elaine was back from the dead."That's not what I mean! That woman just tried to rip ban throat out only for you to get hurt!"

The (h/c) haired woman looked at Elaine then to ban then the knight "I'm alright, Don't worry beside a cut like this ain't gonna end me though but I'm thinking, she was aiming for you though not ban. He just got in the way to save you."

"I don't like you!" Elaine said, lifting her hand up and sending a powerful blast of wind to Jericho, sending her flying, causing her to scream.

Y/n eyes widened, she looked over at Elaine, grabbing her wrist. "Elaine, that's enough. She isn't doing anything bad, okay?" She narrowed her eyes, Elaine tilted her head, gazing at the beautiful (h/c) haired woman."No, she is doing something bad. Since she did try to harm you back then." She said, mentioning the time that when the demon that was controlling Jericho body almost attacked y/n.

"She's even trying to steal ban away from you." The fairy told her, pulling away from the hug and flied towards Jericho, who grunts, trying to get up on her feet."You bastard, what's this all of a sudden?" Jericho asked, glaring at the fairy who floated towards her, her hand towards her.

"Goodbye." She went to attack Jericho as she gasped, but ban came running over, grabbing Elaine wrist "stop it, Elaine!" He narrowed his eyes.

"I don't understand why you're taking her side and not y/n's?" Elaine glared at the fox sin as y/n started to realize that she's being controlled by malescula commandment. She figured that Elaine must've come back by rage and regret.

"You have to understand Elaine that Jericho isn't gonna harm y/n, I'll always be by y/n's side no matter what. She's the only woman I love." Ban glance over at y/n with a soft smile, and y/n eyes widened, blushing lightly of ban's words towards her.

Elaine turned around, using her other hand to send a slash of powerful gush of wind to the immortal, which sliced across ban's shoulder, having blood to burst out.

"Ban!" Jericho called out worried.

"If that's true, then why are you protecting her?" Elaine asked, angrily, glaring at the tall man.

Y/n gasped, her eyes widened. "Ban!" She shouted worried for the fox sin, she went to go help him but felt her wrists heavy causing her to looked over, her eyes widened to see wooden tendrils grabbing hold of her wrists tightly as it was coming out of the ground, she saw that it was Elaine using her abilities to hold y/n back from intervening.

'Damn it!'

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"From the land of the dead, I've been watching you, ban!" Elaine continued sending slashes towards ban, leaving many gaps around his body, destroying his upper outfit."I've seen you talking and carrying on with that girl! I've watched you traveling all across the countryside with her!" She kept on sending attacks to him.

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