Diane's Memories

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Diane looked at king with a confused look on her face. "Sorry, but who are you?" She tilted her head

King's face scrunched up as he held y/n in his arms. "C'mon Diane, don't give King a heart attack like that. It's him, King!" Y/n said with a smile, but she has concern in her eyes.

Diane narrowed her eyes to get a better look at King, "Wait, you're King?" She frowns with a confused expression on her face.

"That's right! You got it!" The fairy said with a smile as y/n smiled, hoping that she would recognize him.

The brunette woman let out a laugh. "You must be kidding. I know him, and he's not a tiny little boy like you. He's more of a scruffy, oafish blimp of a guy." She smiled as y/n eyes widened, her heart dropped.

"Well, I mean, yeah, that can be true." King sweatdropped at her description of him, he looked over at y/n who had an anixous look on her face.

"King." Meliodas called out as King looked over at his captain."Could you put my wife down now." He crossed his arms as King narrows his eyes, y/n patted his chest "its okay, king." She smiled, the fairy look over at her and nodded, gently placing her on the ground.

Meliodas goes to his wife side and lazily draped his right arm over y/n's shoulder, subtly groping her breast, making her blush, glaring at her husband.

"Diane, are you still half-asleep?" Meliodas asked, looking up at the giant.

"Meliodas!" Diane exclaimed, smiling as she looked at the couple, but her eyes lit up more of seeing y/n, "y/n! I'm happy to meet you again!"

"That's weird. When did she stop calling you by your title, meliodas?" Hawk question as he turn his head to y/n and meliodas "but what did she mean, meeting you again, y/n?"

The (h/c) haired woman frown in worried for her comrade, sudden lost memory.

Meliodas repeatedly squeezed y/n's breast, "Diane, are you okay?" Elizabeth asked, coming up beside y/n's other side as she titled her head to the side, looking up at her friend with worried eyes.

Y/n smacked his hand off. "Quit it!" She scolded, glaring at her husband, who has a cocky grin on his lips.

"And who are you!?" Diane motioned to elizabeth, glaring at her, making her flinch.

Y/n wrapped her arm over Elizabeth's waist, holding her close to her, protectively.

'There's no way, galand hit to her could make her lose this much memory at all.'


Meliodas, y/n, elizabeth, and Hawk head toward Merlin's lab to tell her of diane's sudden lost memory.

The four of them entered inside as they explained to Merlin of what's happening to diane and her memory loss.

"Memory loss? It might be short-term amnesia caused by blunt force trauma to the head." Merlin explained as she turned to the four of them, her body showing.

"Woah Merlin, how'd you get your body back?" Hawk questioned, seeing her body not stoned.

"I didn't. This is just an illusion to make things a bit easier." She told them as y/n spoke,"Nice idea, there, merlin." She smiled lightly as Merlin gave y/n a smile, "Thank you, my dear y/n."

"I guess that makes sense." Meliodas said, his hand on y/n's back, stroking it to comforting her as he could sense her anxiety and sadness in her of diane, not remembering anything.

"It's strange. While Diane forgot that Hawk and I existed, she remembered y/n and meliodas just fine." Elizabeth had a sad frown, looking down but she felt her hand grabbed making her glance over at her beloved demon who give her a gentle smile which she return but Elizabeth could see some pain in her (e/c) eyes making her concern.

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