Deliver Princess Vivi!

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Last time....

".....they disappeared!" Miss Wedsnday said in frightened shock.

Imagine their surprise when they found the duo and squirrel among them.

"So, who's first?" Zoro asked.

"Get the whitette! She's must be the weak point!" One bounty hunter said.

But Yukiko smirked as Amphitrite appeared. "Amphitrite, Sparkling Aria! Pachi, Thunderbolt!" She said as the two Pokemon launched out attacks, catching the Bounty Hunters off-guard.

"What the-?!"

"How did she do that?!"

"Did she eat a Devil Fruit?!"

"Dead wrong." Yukiko said as she used three more Pokeballs, "Jacaranda, Petal Blizzard, Seraphina, Sacred Fire, Twilight, Night Shade!" She said as her Pokémon overwhelmed the bounty hunters.

"They destroyed our weapons!"
"Run! They're too strong!"

But Twilight fooled them with an illusion that sent them into the water.

After the two of them went around beating up the bounty hunters, Yukiko went to tell the others about their situation, when she found Nami gone.

She went to look for her when she spotted Luffy and Zoro fighting for some unknown reason.
(*sighs* When it comes to food Luffy can believe anyone unless otherwise.)

They appeared to have also defeated 2 mystery people. A tan man in a leather coat, and a blonde woman with a lemon sundress. Their fight would've continued if Yukiko didn't step in.

"Thundurus, stop them now!" Yukiko said as her Bolt Strike Pokémon appeared and the legendary used Hammer Arm to stop Luffy and Zoro.

The blue-haired girl was surprised, but actually more at Thundurus.

'He, this, that being.....he looks like.......!' She thought before Nami appeared to snap her out of her thoughts.

"Just what do you think you're doing!? Well at least the girls okay that's the main thing. But do you realize you could've cost me a billion berries?!" The navigator said shaking them.

"Wait what? What berries?" The confused Miss Wednesday said.

"Nami, will you explain what's happening?" Yukiko asked.
After clearing the misunderstanding with Luffy, Nami was trying to talk about payment to help the other girl get home for a billion berries!


The blue-haired girl, now dubbed as Vivi, explained her situation.

She was a princess of a country known as a Alabasta, a place that was known as a pillar of civilization. Or at least it used to be. Now it was in the middle of a civil war.

"I learned of a secret organization called Baroque works. Agents of this criminal organization have been stirring the citizens. Matter how much I tried I couldn't uncover information that would help us fight them. So, Igaram and I decided to infiltrate Baroque works by applying as agents. We could then find out who's pulling the strings and learn the intentions of the boss." Vivi explained.

"That's pretty gutsy for a princess." Zoro said impressed. "Were you able to find out their intentions?"

"To create an ideal Nation. That's what Igaram said. Is it?" Nami interrupted.

" I think that's a lie. A cover story that the boss is using. Right Vivi?" Yukiko asked.

"That's right. Their true goal is to take over the Alabasta Kingdom! Thats why I have to return home, tell them the truth and stop the war! If I don't do something, if I don't tell them!" Vivi said with a anguished look.

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