Escape beneath the ocean

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Yukiko was to hold off kissing her man for now, as the Marines were near the Island.

Wait, guys! Do not get too excited yet! It looks like the Marine ships are already here!” Nami announces.

Usopp and Chopper both look towards the ocean and indeed, there were three large marine battleships. “When did they get here?! Looks like there are only three. AHHH THEY ARE SHOOTING AT US! THEY ARE GOING TO HIT US!” Usopp shouts.

But then a voice rings out:

“Slave Arrow!” A woman shouts successfully stopping the canon balls midflight turning them into stone. The marines are confused until she speaks, using her sex appeal to get them to ignore us for a bit. She asks, “Who dare… put a Marine ship… in my way?”

It was Hancock of the Kuja Pirates and one of the Warlords.

Robin looks impressed. “That is the Kuja’s logo.”

“Kuja?” Nami asks.

"Who are they?" Yukiko asked.


“They are strong Amazonian pirates, led by a pirate empress – a warlord. Her name is Boa Hancock. They say anyone who sees her will be attracted by her beauty and turned to stone in the end.”

“A WARLORD? Wait, why is she helping us?” Usopp shouts in surprise.

Brook is beside us looing out with binoculars and he nearly falls over once he spots her. “Oh, too bright! She is dazzling! There is no end to her beauty!”

Luffy just stares, unaffected. "I still think Yukiko is the prettiest." He said making Yukiko blush.

Usopp is quick to grab the binoculars  and awakens Sanji (who was passed out to seeing Yukiko, Robin, and Nami standing together). He hears the word Goddess and is up like nothing happened. He rushes over and takes the binoculars from Usopp all while muttering the word Goddess and the second he finds her… He turns to stone.

Luffy walks up and casually puts an arm around Yukiko's sholders as he looks to where we are looking. “Oh. That is Hancock and the others!”

Hearing that – Sanji, Usopp, and Brook stop to look at him… did he meet her before?

The marines are rather loud with an announcement towards her. “Move your ship, Boa Hancock. Are you trying to interfere with us fulfilling our duty?”

“No, I am not. I just do not feel like moving for you,” Hancock tells them. She glances at us and winks at Luffy him.

While Yukiko was a little ticked, she had nothing to worry about, as Luffy pulled her closer.

Brook falls over. “SHE WINKED AT US!”

'Actually I think she was winking at Luffy....but how old is she? Back home, she'd be charged with preying on a minor.' Yukiko thought.

Luffy smiles. “She helped us. Let us set sail now!”

Nami glances at him. “You know her?  Robin just now said that Hancock hated males?”

“Yeah, I was sent to the Maiden Island, and I became friends with them, she helped me infiltrate Impel Down.” Luffy says not explaining a lot. "She keeps offering to marry too, but I told her I already have Yukiko, she just won't get it." Luffy said surprising Nami.

Usopp is in awe. “That is the legendary female-only island, right? I did not think they were real…”

"Your charisma never ceases to amaze me." Yukiko smiled.

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