Zou is an Elephant?

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"Boss! I see something at two o'clock!" shouted the lookout at the top of the mast of the Going Luffy. "There's a mountain or a monster..."

"I hope there's no monster that can be mistaken for a mountain!" sweatdropped Bartolomeo.

"It looks like it's moving..." Yukiko said looking through a spyglass.

"If it's a mountain that moves, let's go!" cheered Luffy.

"N-No, idiot!" the sniper interjected, grabbing Luffy's cheeks and tugging on them. "Anyway, what we gotta do now is get out of this foggy maze as soon as possible! Or, we'll hit a reef and capsize!"

"Wait, God" stated Law, earning a blush from Usopp who turned to him with sparkles around him.

"Did you call me 'God'? I'm flattered! I'm a man of 200 million and I'm flattered!" he said, oblivious to the pissed aura of Franky right behind him.

"I'm sure the Marine Admirals are aware of you now. But Look. The Vivre Card is pointing towards that"

"Tra-guy? Is Zou literally an elephant?" Yukiko questioned, staring at the dark mass in the fog.

"Indeed. Why?"

"Then there's no need to search longer...

It's right ahead of us!" She finished.

The fog dissipated a little to reveal the huge form of an elephant walking slowly in the ocean. Attached to one of its legs was the Thousand Sunny, drifting along the waves with the beast.

This earned shocked looks from the pirates, who gazed at this gigantic entity that seemed out of this world.

Even Yukiko was shocked, as this elephant has to be around the same size as Groudon in his Primal Form!

"I-I-Is it alive?!" asked Usopp.

"It keeps moving so it'll never be at the same location; a Phantom Island. It's not actually an island so Log Poses won't track it. I've never been here before either" told Law. "From the looks of it, Black Foot and the others already got here."

"So we were chasing an elephant that was walking away" mused Robin, staring up at the elephant.

"We can't anchor, so we have to attack ourselves to the elephant." Yukiko said.

"Get ready to make landfall. Can you give us some food?" the surgeon demanded to Bartolomeo who scowled at him.

"For you?!" he pointed accusingly.

"Can you give Straw Hat-ya some food?"

"TAKE EVERYTHING IN THE FOOD STORAGE!" the fanboy's persona did a 180 at the mention of Luffy.

'Oh dear...' Yukiko thought.

"So this is Zou?! There are such unusual things outside our country!" breathed in shock Kin'emon. "I wonder if Momonosuke is okay"

"I heard there is a tribe that hates humans, so we cant be sure." stated Kanjuro.

"Yes, it's the Mink Tribe. They hold off humans and people say the history of their country goes back nearly a thousand years." answered Law.

"A thousand years?!" cried out Luffy. "On the elephant's back?! Does that mean that elephant has been alive for a thousand years?!"

"I'm not that surprised. There are ancient and legendary Pokémon that lived longer than that." Yukiko said making Luffy amazed.

"Speaking of which, Beast-ya, do you know of the Legendary Beasts?"

"Oh, you mean Raikou, Entei and Suicune? Yes. Are they important to Zou?"

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