The Don Accino Family

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Turns out there was a reason to be cautious.

The Phoenix Pirates had a big fight in the New World, against a tough opponent, and now they were targeted by the Don Accino Family.

As they were sailing, they hit a bunch of iceburgs, but something was off about them.

"Is it just me or are the icebergs are moving on their own?” Yukiko shouted as Nami glares at it.

        She finally sees it. “Okay…. That’s not normal.”

  “What are you? Stupid? Icebergs can’t move on their own,” Zoro remarks.

Nami and Sanji only smile at each other and show the others what Yukiko meant. Sanji heads to an open space by the sea and once again the iceberg moves in front of the Sunny. He does another example.

"Zoro." Yukiko said and the swordsman nods.

        Zoro quickly jumps and slices at the iceberg before shouting at us, “It’s still just ice.”

"Something or someone may be moving them." Yukiko said.

Then she took out a Pokeball.

"Rubius, we'll need you," as the Gyarados emerged, scaring the Phoenix Pirates. "Check under the iceburgs."

Rubius nodded as he dove into the water.

After a while, he came back with something in his mouth.

It was a strange looking penguin.

"Are a bunch of penguins doing this?" Usopp asked as Rubius nodded.

"They must be taking orders from this bounty hunter family." Robin deduced.

Then Yukiko hears a familiar sound of skates on ice. The crew turns to see four people come to a stop.

“Don’t think you can get away from us! Once on the Frozen Highway there is no way back out to sea!” A girl says with heart eyes as she stares lovingly at her ice-skating partner.

  Sanji is in despair. “How disgusting! A beautiful woman with a hideous man! Challenge me to a due-”

Nami hits him on the head and cuts him off. “You’ll have to excuse us we’ll be leaving soon.”

Franky nods at her words and goes get ready. The lady and her partner ignore our words and go all lovey dovey claiming how stupid Nami is for thinking that.

"I got this Nami. Rubius!" Yukiko said taking out her Mega Evolution Bracelet. "Through pain, trials, and challenges, let's show the fruit of our training! Rubius, Mega Evolve!" Yukiko yelled as Rubius grew bigger and glowed as he transformed into his Mega Evolution form.

"Aaaaaaah! What kind of sea king is that?!"

"I was hoping you knew darling!"

"Alright, use Rain Dance then send them flying with Surf!"

Rubius did so and those of the Accino Family were sent somewhere by a wave of water.

Although, in the end Luffy wanted to help the Phoenix Pirates get their flag back.
After seeing Luffy's determination to get their flag back, Puzzle made a comeback as well.

This time Yukiko and Luffy faced against Don Accino as Yukiko had one more Pokémon to help.

"Since Puzzle is back to his senses.......

Ho-oh, we'll need your help too!" Yukiko said as a golden pokebal flew in the air.

And Ho-oh came out in a magnificent glory.

"My my, having such a bird like this. You must really be a beast tamer." Don Accino commented impressed.

"Yeah, and don't even think about it. Yukiko is mine!" Luffy exclaims as he attacks.

"Ho-oh, Dual Wingbeat with Mystical Fire!"

"Gum Gum........Blazing Bazooka!" Luffy and Yukiko yelled as Ho-oh powered up Luffy's attack and knocked Don Accino out.


With the Don Accino Family defeated, the Strawhats part ways with the Phoenix Pirates and head on to the New World.

This was a little short but I'm sure some are eager to get to Thriller Bark.

But I'll do a filler chapter on a certain subject.........

Pokemon Eggs!

There will be one and it will be interesting for Yukiko to explain this one.

And I already decided the Pokémon as the parents. It will be a surprise.

How do you think the crew will react to this one?

Plz comment

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