The Birdcage

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Yukiko suddenly looked at your left to gaze at Soldier, but became surprised at the sight of a tall man with only one leg.

He looked exactly like the statue of the champion back at the Colosseum. Viola gazed at him, eyes widened and in verge of tears. She had a hand over her mouth, the other grasping her heart.

Suddenly, Soldier jumped through the open window, and charged at Doflamingo while grasping his sword tightly. Luffy watched in awe while Viola continued to cry.

"Who is he?!"

"Brother Kyros!" the princess's voice cracked. "Even I lost my memories of him!"

"What are you talking about?! What do you mean?! And where's the toy soldier?!"

"It's him!"

"EH?! But that's a human!"

"The toys were originally humans but they were erased from our memories! Since the Devil Fruit eater Sugar passed out now, we got our memories back!" Viola smiled through her tears. "He's the former commander of the King Riku Army - Kyros! The strongest gladiator in the history of the Colosseum!"

"That's the old man the statue is of!" gasped Luffy.

"Yes! And he's also Rebecca's biological father!"

"But, she didn't even know him!" Yukiko said.

"When people forgets about you, there's nothing you can do to make them remember you! That's why he's just been watching over his beloved daughter for a decade! He has always been by her side, day after day, as a toy soldier!"

Yukiko watched as Kyros
continued to hop where Doflamingo was standing, and jumped high in the air at the same time the Shichibukai turned to face him, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"You are...!" started Doflamingo.

"Kyros, aren't you?!" finished the old man, tears running down his eyes.

"Yes, sir! I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a decade!" the gladiator yelled, swinging his sword behind him. "Now, I'm here to save you!"

He swung his sword back and sliced Doflamingo's head in one swing, causing everyone in the room to gasp in astonishment.

But that kill was too easy to Yukiko, she had to keep her guard up.


The severed head of Doflamingo fell on the floor, still wearing that tight teeth expression. The members of his Family took a step back from the gladiator, their faces mirroring one of horror.

Kyros landed back on the ground at a safe distance of the headless body of the Shichibukai. Baby-5 let out a shriek while Buffalo charged at him, swinging his fist backward.

"YOU BASTARD!" the nosy voice shouted, and was stopped by Kyros shoving his sword right under his chin.

"From now on, I'm gonna rip the mask off of all your deceptions!" the man snarled in rage.

"Mingo's dead! And I was gonna kick his ass..." exclaimed Luffy, his tone slightly sounding sad from not being the one putting a end to Doflamingo's reign.

However, Yukiko used her Observation Haki to check the palace and paused.

This was not Doflamingo.

Several guards were showing up, already shooting at you.

While both Baby-5 and Buffalo were too busy fighting Kyros, and Yukiko took out the guards with Crystal Shard, Luffy and Viola took this time to sneak to where Law was chained. Said male let out a shout of surprise at the sight of you and Luffy.

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