Special Chapter! Enter Toriko! pt 2

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What's going on?" Toriko said as he ran over to where the group had gathered.


"Terry says that Komatsu and Nami were kidnapped." Chopper informed him. "They were both here just a couple minutes ago."

"These tracks, and the sweet aroma." Toriko said as he looked mat the numerous imprints that were on the ground where the spilled spice seeds had fallen. "There's no doubt they were taken by the Cocoalas."

"Cocoalas?" Luffy asked

"I haven't seen any myself, but they're Capture Level 3. They're meat is inedible, but they have high quality cocoa beans growing on their backs." Toriko explained.

"So you're saying those things took him and Nami-swan." Sanji grumbled

"Most likely they're being taken to their nest."

"Why?" Chopper asked

"Cocoalas are omnivores, they take anything they can and store it in their home. If I remember correctly they make their nests in the Multi-fruit trees." Toriko said and then started to follow the tracks that were left behind.

"Multi-fruit trees?" Yukiko asked as they ran.

"They're basically fruits that have the flavors of watermelon, apples, pears, strawberries, and other fruits rolled into one. Some people even call it the Fruit Parlor of the Earth. I can't wait to eat it!" Toriko smiled.

"Wait, you're more worried about food than your friend?!" Chopper yelled.

"So where do we find the trees?" Luffy asked.

"They only grow where the sunlight is most abundant." Toriko said as they stop at a cliff and beyond the horizon on top of a mountain, there were two massive cherry-like Fruit growing.

"No doubt, those are the Multi-fruits!" Toriko said.

"Hold on Nami-swan! We're coming!" Sanji yelled.

"Wait for me, Multi-fruits!" Toriko shouted as well.

"I can't help but feel sorry for Komatsu..." Yukiko and Chopper said.

"Pachirisu...." Pachi nodded.
They then run through a forest to get the mountain as fast as possible. As they reached a clearing, geysers were around them.

"Oi! Watch out, you don't know when these geysers will erupt on you!" Toriko shouted at the group as they ran through the geyser valley.

"AHHH!" Chopper screeched in surprise as a geyser erupt right next to him. His eyes widened as the liquid splashed on him, "Hey, this is hot chocolate!"

"Really!" Luffy's eyes shined at the prospect of the sweet treat.

"Quit making your eyes sparkle and keep running!" Sanji yelled

"Don't get sidetracked, we have to stay focused." Yukiko reminded her boyfriend.

Suddenly the ground beneath them started to rumble.

"A big one's coming!" Toriko said just then a gigantic geyser of hot chocolate sent the group into the air and towards the river.

"Oh no, the river!" Luffy and Chopper yelled.

"What's the matter?" Toriko asked

"Devil Fruit users can't swim!" Yukiko said in a panic.

"What?!" Toriko yelled as the group fell into the river.

"I'm going to drown!" Chopper cried as he flailed in the river only to stop and see that his body wasn't drowning.

"This isn't water." Luffy said as he looked at the liquid.

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