One Piece x BNHA pt 24

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Things are improving for the students as they train in haki and their quirks.

"They seem to be doing well." Yukiko remarked.

"Yeah, they are taking the training more seriously than I thought." Zoro said as he had some booze. "Some are even showing potential for haki."

Then Yukiko's senses went into overdrive.

She smiled. "We have some uninvited guests. And one is very familiar."

Luffy noticed as well.

"Well, let's go meet up with them."


The League of Villains arrived beyond the camp edges ready to attack when they felt a surge of pressure upon them.

It vanished as soon as it appeared, but some fell on their knees trying to stay conscious.

"w-what was that?!" Mustard choked out.

"Hello." Yukiko said getting their attention.

"You again..." Shigaraki gritted his teeth.

"Who are these guys?" Muscular asked.

"Tch, who cares, they're in the way of our mission." Dabi said as he launched some blue fire, which Ace intercepted.


"Heh, that was a good try, but a fight between us would be pointless." Ace smirked.

"Well, this may be interesting." Dabi smirked back.

"Heh, I hope at least one of ya will be worth my time!" Muscular said as he looked ready to kill.

Zoro tsked. "I'll take care of him." He took out his swords.

"Purgatory........Oni Giri!"

But before the League of Villains knew it.....Muscular was already down for the count, all beaten, knocked out, and bloody.


"He took out Muscular!"

"That's all he could do?/This is unbelievable!"

Shigaraki flinched as he saw Zoro's gaze.

He's seen those kinds of eyes before.

They were those of a man that does not hesitate to kill.

The slight pressure was back as the others flinched.

"Oh? What happened to the vigor I sensed before?" Yukiko teased.

"I guess they can't be able to play with the big leagues." Robin said ready to attack.

Shigaraki growled as he had the new Nomus attack this time, however, Bonney intervened.

"Age Scramble!" She touched the Nomus as they either became really tiny like toddlers or as frail as elders.

"Did she age up and down the Nomu?!" Toga yelled.

"I've heard of age quirks, but nothing like this!" Spinner yelled.

"We may have to retreat. I'm sure the big boss will understand." Magne said.

Shigaraki gritted his teeth. They were supposed to come here looking for that Bakugou kid, but instead. They find themselves at a dead end.

He had Kurogiri open a portal and get them away.

Unfortunately for them. Luffy does not like letting things be half-done....

He looked at Yukiko who used her advanced Observation Haki.

She smiled.

"Kamino Ward."
Sorry it's short, I've had acute Laryngitis, but nothing with Covid thankfully.

Next chapter we'll see a certain villian fight Luffy and Yukiko.

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