Spa Island Filler

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A few days later, after the Florian Triangle incident, the Thousand Sunny found itself in front of a man-made island, and from what Robin told them, it was a resort island, Spa Island.

Everyone was excited to go there. After all the chaos they constantly encountered, they needed a real vacation.

Everyone was out and ready except for Yukiko who had gotten a new swimsuit thanks to Nami's persistence.

"Alright, I'm ready." Yukiko said as everyone turned to her.

Luffy had to do a double take as he saw her swimsuit.

She also had a large floatie that she carried and Pachi was on her shoulder sporting a hibiscus flower and Varian who wanted to come as well was sporting swimming goggles.

Thankfully, they had swimming pools reserved for pets too.

Usopp looked over at Luffy who had a blush across his face at seeing Yukiko in a swimsuit although he thought he saw a flash of crimson in Luffy's eyes before it disappeared. Might be the sun getting to him....
Yukiko had also brought Aurora, Tsunami, Emperor, and Amphitrite as they were excited for swimming.

It was also a good chance for Varian to bond with his father by teaching him how to swim.
And so everyone was off doing their own thing.

Right now, Usopp and Chopper went to the diving pools.

Zoro was at a meditation pool.

Franky hit the cola baths.

Brook took to the milk baths, which made his bones shiny.

Sanji went to the river pools. Possibly to see the ladies as he passed by.

"Ah! Now, this is the life!" Nami said as she and Robin were lounging under an umbrella.

"Heh, who would've thought that after a dangerous place like the Florian Triangle, there would be a resort like this waiting for us?" Robin said.

"I know. It's great to kick back every once in a while." Nami said. "Wait, did you know where Yukiko and Luffy went?"

"They first stopped off for lunch together then I saw them heading for the wave pool. They should be fine, Yukiko has her water Pokémon with her." Robin reassures the navigator.

Luffy was with Emperor as he was in his floaties and Yukiko had Aurora to keep her balance with Pachi and Varian were with Amphitrite and Tsunami as they rode the wave pool for over an hour.


"Man that was fun, I haven't been to a resort in a long time." Yukiko smiled as she dried her hair and went to the cabana that she booked for her Pokémon.

"Hm, hey, there's a hot spring section. You wanna check it out?" Luffy asked.

"Does it involve moving?" Yukiko asked as she smirked.

Luffy said nothing as he suddenly picked her up.

"Whoa, how did you know how to do that?"

"Sanji said this is how you hold a woman you love. Shishishi!" Luffy laughed.

"Of course...just don't turn into him." Yukiko said making Luffy laugh again.

Though they did garner the attention of other guests. Some thought the image was sweet and cute. Others, mostly males, envied the strawhat.


They made it to a private spa for couples. Though there was a catch that Yukiko did not expect.

She had to wear a towel instead of her bathing suit.

Luffy ditched his swim trunks for a towel around his waist.

Yukiko's went around her waist to stop at her knees.

Yukiko found herself relaxing by the warm fresh water despite the situation.

"Ah, it's nice." She said as she looked over at Luffy and had an idea.

She reached over to his shoulders and began massaging them as he groaned in pleasure. "Ahaaaaa....that's goooood...."

"After what we went through to get this far, I figured you need a massage." Yukiko smiled.

Then Luffy looked over to Yukiko as
everything around them seemed to slow down in time.

For a moment Luffy's eyes flashed crimson while Yukiko's became a cosmic pink and blue. But they didn't pay much attention to that.

Before either of them knew it, they started kissing.

Luffy started gently, not pressuring Yukiko to pry open so suddenly.

The two of them suddenly felt hotter even with the onsen's heat, as they started to french-kiss. Luffy had a hand around her waist as he pulled Yukiko closer to him, the other around her shoulders.

Yukiko had one hand on one of his pecs, massaging it as she ran her fingers through his raven hair.

"Mmm, oh."

But even they needed air after a while.

They parted as they left a string of saliva between their tongues.

"¿Cómo estuvo eso, cariño?"

Yukiko blinked twice at what happened and swore she heard a guitar strum.

"I didn't know you spoke Paldean." She smiled.

"Pal-? Oh, that's what they call Spanish in your world? Well, grandma wanted me to learn something useful so she had me learn Spanish. Ah, how do you say, 'sweetheart' in Alolan?" Luffy asked.

"Ipo." Yukiko said with a smile. "And how do you say it in Spanish?"


They spent the time teaching one another new words as they held each other close.

After the onsen, Luffy and Yukiko met up with Chopper and Usopp and Yukiko's pokemon.

At that a dark cloud came around, but......

It was raining candy!

"Wow! It's that one cloud! And it's only raining here! We're so super lucky!" Usopp says.

"Super lucky!" Luffy said as he opened his mouth for more candy but it rained harder as his jaw inflated like a balloon.

"That's too much!" Usopp yelled.

Yukiko stood to the side and laughed.
Yup, I headcannon that Luffy can speak Spanish!

That will be a surprise for his crew!

Plz comment!

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