One Piece x BNHA part 17

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Two weeks passed by for the Strawhats, and before they knew it, the Sports Festival had arrived!

Luffy and Yukiko were looking around the food stalls before joining up with the others, and Yukiko was buying any food for her husband.

They did hear someone ask something behind them.

It was some woman that called themselves Mt. Lady.

"You guys sold out the takoyaki here?"

"Yeah, a lot of it, and it was for one guy. That's him over there." The food stall man said pointing to Luffy who was already done with half of the takoyaki. And Yukiko stood beside him with her own box.

"Ah, sorry if we bought it all up. Here you can have this box. We haven't touched it yet." Luffy smiled and gave Mt. Lady a box.

"Oh thanks! Least I didn't have to pay. Oh, would you like a photo with me handsome?" Mt. Lady said before Luffy shook his head.

"No thanks I'm good." He and Yukiko were getting up to leave.

"Besides, I don't think it would be good for your publicity if your fans learned you flirted with another woman's husband." Yukiko gave off an icy smile.

"H-husband?" Mt. Lady said in surprise as the couple left.


They made it back to their V.I.P. booth as the show was ready to start.

They were impressed by Midoriya in the obstacle course, and that he did make it to the Final Eight.

"He can look unassuming but he has a lot of potential. If other heroes don't realize it, then it's their loss." Yukiko said.

"Yeah, though I'm not too thrilled on that Bakugou kid so far..." Franky said.

"True, that attitude of his will push other coworkers away. Being a hero is not a one-man deal. Same with the Todoroki lad." Jinbei adds.

"Although it looked like whatever Midoriya was telling him helped him bring out his fire side." Usopp clarifies. "Apparently he had daddy issues. You think maybe you can mentor him sometime, Ace?"

"If we don't get to leave after the festival, then yes." Ace nodded.

"Maybe I could consider teaching that mantis kid something too." Zoro smirked.

" I'm thinking. Class 1A is going through a lot of challenges, and I have a feeling that those villains from before would bring more trouble................. What if we taught to use haki?........................It was feint............but there are those of Class 1A that have potential." Yukiko suggested.

Luffy had a thought and grinned. "Yeah, we can ask Nezumi for permission." 

"Yohohohoho! If we teach them about haki, any future villains are in for a big surprise!" Brook said.

"No, the League of Villians will be getting a nasty surprise if Luffy and Yukiko use their peak powers." Robin adds with a smile.

"Heheheh, true." Jinbe laughs.

Athough the crew really wasn't happy that Bakugou ended up winning, they were surprise to see him tied up to a stone pillar in restraints.

"Huh, after all that, he's displayed like a wild animal." Sanji said.

"Course he would, people only like dangerous elements when chained up." Zoro smirked.


Sorry this chapter is short, but I'm planning ahead on my final paper, and i got to see the particial Solar eclipse at home today!

I hope some of you got to see it too!

plz comment!

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