Nika and Kazuya pt 2

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To the amazement of those present in the room, Yukiko's appearance changed greatly.

Her skin now seemed to glimmer like moonlight, her facial expression was not softer as if at peace. Her hair seemed to fly around her as if it came to life and it changed from white to galaxy blue and purple, her eyes also changed to neon cosmic pink, white and blue her outfit also changed to galaxy colors with Moon accents.

Around the people, they suddenly heard bells though they don't know where they came from.

" heart sounds strange..." Yukiko said in a sultry yet calming voice. "I guess I've finally reached my peak....." then she looked at Big Mom.

"Why don't we move this fight outside?" Yukiko said, and before Linlin could say anything, a crystal pillar got her in the gut, sending her flying out the roof out of Onigashima.

"Mama!" Prometheus and Hera said.

Yukiko followed after and found herself floating as she was bathed in moonlight.

Then a giggling reached her ears.

She turned to see Luffy who also looked different.

He was now all white from his hair to his clothes, and had an insane grin.

"Yukikoooo!" Luffy giggled as he pounced on his girlfriend and twirled her around in the air before dipping her in a kiss which she welcomed.

Then Linlin and Kaido emerged from the holes they landed in looking mad.

"Ah, they're still up. You take care of Kaido, I take care of Linlin? We can have fun later." Yukiko smiled coyly.

"Heeheeheehee! Sure!" He said before giving her another wet kiss as he left to face Kaido toon style.

"I don't know how you managed to achieve this power, but it will be the last!" Linlin said as she got Napoleon to fight.

But then, Yukiko stopped the sword with her hand. "Poor soul, trapped in a homie." She said as she crystallized Napoleon and shattered him.

Then Linlin got furious and attacked with Prometheus and Hera, but Yukiko crystallized them too!

How was this girl able to do that?!

As the two women fought, Yukiko gave Linlin quite a beating, and she even created crystal knights and animals against Linlin which were a lot more stronger than her homies.

At the climax of their fight, Linlin was about to use her most powerful attack, but Yukiko had one of her own.

"Sorry Linlin......but your era..........Era...........

Is over.

Lunastal Cosmic..........Halation! "

Yukiko said as the moon shone brighter than before, speckles of gemstones floated around her giving her a multicolored glow and she unleashed a powerful beam that sent Linlin plummeting into the ground..............all the way to the Magma.

Yukiko breathed as she won the fight.

At the same time, Luffy's fight was over as he also won.

Then floating lanterns from the Festival emerged as people sent them up.
Yukiko and Luffy smiled as the land of Wano was finally freed.

Then they found themselves falling as they grabbed each other.

Thankfully, Enamourus appeared and caught them.

" still......awake?" Luffy asked.



"......Do me?...."

Yukiko smiled as she made it to Luffy's embrace.

"I.....was wondering when you would ask that.........."


It would take another week for them to wake up, and Luffy would remember something.

He was able to find a ring back at Whole Cake and before Luffy and Yukiko went to the others, he took it out.

It looked like a silver lotus and on the inside of the ring was the Strawhat insignia and a Pokeball.

Yukiko smiled as she wore it, as their engagement was now official.

"I wonder how the others will take this?" She thought.

Yeah, Nika and Kazuya emerged, and Luffy finally popped the question!

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